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Another mysterious character J6 steps out of the shadows… is he wearing a headset?

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One of the most puzzling aspects of the events of January 6 is the federal government’s inconsistent approach to identifying the “bad guys.” Take as an example Joe Biggs, a decorated veteran of the Iraq War, who received a 17-year sentence for cutting a fence. Meanwhile, Ray Epps, who was openly encouraging people to storm the Capitol and was at the forefront of the action, is not facing any charges. No solitary confinement, political weaponry or long sentences for Ray. In fact, life seems to be going well for Mr. Epps. He has become a regular face on 60 Minutes and is likely to receive a hefty settlement from Fox in the pending lawsuit.

However, Ray isn’t the only curious character the feds don’t seem interested in. What happened to the “pipe bomber?” Remember that shady character, who’s on 1,800 cameras, but no one can figure out who that person is? And there’s more: What about Scaffold Guy? There are videos and photos of him, but the feds can’t be bothered to find out who he is. This is a pattern that formed around January 6th and Devin Nunes recognizes it:

Revolver recently published an explosive article that went viral, highlighting another dubious J6 character who seems to have escaped federal scrutiny: let’s call him “Fence Cutter.” It is worth remembering that Joe Biggs received a 17-year federal prison sentence for similar actions, but this individual, who has been caught on video cutting fences, remains unidentified and without charges. Because?


We at Revolver News are proud to have steered the national discussion on January 6th to include a critical focus on the likely role of provocateurs and government actors in what is now aptly called the “Fedsurrection.” The smoking guns of this Fedsurrection remain the curious case of Ray Epps and the clear work of cover-up and deception associated with the so-called pipe bombs of January 6th.

However, aside from Ray Epps and the Pipe Bomb, we have reported on the actions of other key players on January 6th, whose behavior warrants extreme suspicion. For example, there is the strange case of an as-yet-uncharged, unidentified man known to investigators as #Fencecutterbulwark.

Check out this man calmly and methodically cutting and then wrapping a “restricted area” fence around the Capitol lawn. He didn’t wear any Trump gear and made sure to wear dark sunglasses on a cloudy day. I wasn’t angry. He was dispassionate, calm and professional, like he was just there to do a job.

RELATED: Was an undercover cop caught cutting fences on January 6? New evidence heightens suspicions about Fedsurrection’s key player

Darren also spoke to Glenn Beck about the suspected “hedge trimmer”.

Continuing in the same vein of investigation as with Pipe Bomber, Fence Cutter, Scaffold Guy and Ray Epps, we now have another mysterious figure we’ll call “Window Breaker.” Once again, this individual is captured on video breaking windows and pushing people, while appearing to be wearing a headset, but his identity and motives remain a mystery and he has not been arrested.

There is a viral video doing the rounds about her man.

Here you have it comment of Kanekoa the Great:

The DOJ just sentenced a Jan. 6 protester to ten years for breaking a Capitol window.

A suspiciously masked man wearing an earpiece was also caught on video breaking a Capitol window, but has never been added to the FBI’s most wanted, arrested or charged list.

In the video, the unidentified man, dressed as a government agent, encourages a reporter to break the window, saying: “Why don’t the others open it?”

The reporter replies, “Because I think it would probably be illegal.”

The masked man acknowledges the illegality by saying, “Well, I know,” but then suspiciously breaks the window himself.

Shortly after realizing he is being recorded, the masked man quickly drops the window and violently pushes another man, awkwardly blaming him for breaking the window.

When the DOJ sentences a Jan. 6 protester to ten years for breaking a Capitol window, the question arises:

Why isn’t the FBI interested in identifying this masked man wearing a headset who was caught on video breaking a Capitol window?

Given these perplexing anomalies and more, a considerable number of people are understandably led to believe that the events of January 6th were orchestrated. They suspect that these unidentified individuals who broke windows are government agents, which would explain why they remain unidentified and unarrested. It’s also why Darren Beattie aptly coined the term “Fedsurrection” for January 6th.



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