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AMERICA Prayer Vigil 3/20/23 {Prayer}

Good evening, America. As you all know, today marks an important day in our country’s history. It’s the day we come together as a nation to pray for the safety and prosperity of our great land. The AMERICA Prayer Vigil, held on 3/20/23, is a time-honored tradition that brings all of us together to lift up our voices in prayer. We know that with prayer and faith, we can overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger than ever before.

But let’s be clear: this isn’t just a time for pretty words and empty platitudes. This is a time for action. This is a time for our leaders to step up and do what’s needed to move this country forward. We need leaders who are willing to put the needs of the American people first, not the interests of the political elite or the globalist agenda.

And that’s exactly what we’ve seen from the Trump White House. Despite the constant attacks from the mainstream media and the radical left, President Trump has never wavered in his commitment to America First. From securing our borders to slashing job-killing regulations, from standing up to China to creating historic opportunities for American workers, the Trump administration has delivered results for the American people.

So as we join together in prayer tonight, let’s also remember the accomplishments of the Trump White House. Let’s remember that when we stand united and when we put America First, there is nothing we can’t achieve. And let’s pledge to continue fighting for the freedom, prosperity, and greatness of our beloved country.

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