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Aiwanger stands by his position amid anti-Semitic pamphlet controversy

Bavaria’s Deputy Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger will continue in his role despite the recent uproar over an anti-Semitic pamphlet he allegedly distributed in his youth. Aiwanger has admitted to possessing copies of the offending material as a schoolboy, but has denied authoring it.

The pamphlet contained insensitive comments, making light of the Holocaust and specifically Auschwitz, where approximately one million Jews died during World War II. Markus Söder, the prime minister of Bavaria, supported Aiwanger, arguing that the character at 16 should not define them in adulthood.

Söder’s support for Aiwanger was publicly announced, emphasizing the need to move forward and focus on governing Bavaria. Aiwanger echoed that sentiment, proclaiming on social media that the “campaign against him had failed.”

Initially highlighted by a left-wing newspaper, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the controversy led Söder to probe Aiwanger with numerous questions. Although some answers were missing, Söder mentioned that there was not enough evidence to prove that Aiwanger had written the pamphlet. Aiwanger’s brother Helmut confessed to setting him up and repented.

Hubert Aiwanger has apologized for his past conduct. Söder has advised him to rebuild public trust and engage in talks with Jewish community leaders.

This event comes at a politically sensitive time for Bavaria, which will hold critical elections on October 8. The incident not only affects Aiwanger’s party, the Free Voters, but also poses challenges for Söder’s Christian Social Union, which has performed poorly in recent polls. The outcome of the October election is highly anticipated as it could set the stage for the political landscape in Germany for years to come.

This article is sourced from and written by AI.

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