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Airline blames 9-year-old boy for being secretly filmed in bathroom by flight attendant [VIDEOS]

Airline blames 9-year-old boy for being secretly filmed in bathroom by flight attendant [VIDEOS]

In a shocking turn of events, American Airlines is facing backlash after court documents revealed the company is blaming a 9-year-old girl for an incident in which she was secretly recorded in a bathroom airplane The young woman's family is taking legal action against the airline, joining several passengers who claim their privacy was violated during their flights.

The disturbing case came to light after the arrest of a former flight attendant, Estes Carter Thompson III, who was caught in January trying to film minors in the plane's bathroom. The incident occurred when a 14-year-old passenger, who was flying from Charlotte to Boston in September 2023, discovered an iPhone hidden under what appeared to be a broken toilet seat. Shocked by the discovery, the teenager took a photo of the hidden device and reported it to her parents, who then alerted the flight crew.

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Authorities launched an investigation and discovered evidence that Thompson had recordings of four other girls using the bathroom, one of whom was the 9-year-old who was flying with her family to Disneyland from Texas. The Boston Herald reported that the child's parents filed a lawsuit against American Airlines and Thompson in February, seeking compensation for their daughter's suffering. According to the file, the young woman has experienced severe emotional distress, including symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, fear, insomnia and nightmares.

Parents expressed shock and anger at American Airlines' response to the incident. In an interview with the Boston Herald, the boy's mother said: “Instead of taking responsibility for this horrific event, American Airlines is blaming our daughter for being filmed. How, in good conscience, could they do a suggestion like that? It shocks and angers us. American Airlines has no shame.”

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However, lawyers for American Airlines argue in court documents that Thompson was not acting within the scope of his employment at the time of the alleged misconduct. They claim the company should not be vicariously liable for Thompson's actions that occurred outside the course of his employment. The airline wants to distance itself from Thompson's reprehensible behavior and says it does not reflect the company's mission.

Thompson currently remains in federal custody after pleading guilty to one count of attempted child sexual exploitation and one count of possession of child pornography depicting a prepubescent minor. The revelations surrounding his arrest have further worsened the public perception of American Airlines and intensified the controversy surrounding the case.

While the airline tries to deflect blame from Thompson, the affected families remain determined to hold American Airlines accountable for failing to ensure the safety and privacy of its passengers. The outcome of this legal battle will not only determine justice for the victims, but may also lead to an industry-wide examination of airline security protocols and passenger privacy measures.

As the case unfolds, many are watching closely to see how American Airlines will address the serious allegations against them and how they will protect their passengers from such distressing incidents in the future.

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