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AG Merrick Garland impeachment to begin July 6 on IRS whistleblower testimony

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy clarified on “Fox & Friends” Monday that Republicans fully intend to begin impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland on July 6 following the bombshell testimony of the IRS that interfered in the Hunter Biden investigation.

IRS whistleblower Special Agent in Charge Gary Shapley Jr., a 14-year veteran of the agency, opened up last week. He explosively declared that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment researchers who research your tax affairs and lie on your gun permit application.

Shapley testified that Hunter Biden sent a WhatsApp message on July 30, 2017 to a Chinese Communist Party official named Henry Zhao. He openly threatened him and ordered the Communist officer to follow his “orders” and pay or else, while claiming that Joe Biden was in the room with him. Shapley alleges he raised concerns about the WhatsApp message with DOJ prosecutors, who ignored him and obstructed justice.

McCarthy stated flatly that US Attorney David Weiss must appear before the House Judiciary Committee on this. He led the investigation into Hunter Biden and charged him with violating federal tax and gun laws after a 5-year investigation.

The only caveat is that impeachment proceedings will move forward on July 6 if the IRS whistleblower says it is under review.

“On July 6, because of the IRS allegations, because of the whistleblower and the DOJ — Garland — what he’s saying and what David Weiss is saying privately are two different things,” McCarthy told the hosts of the program.

“And what if it comes true? says the IRS whistleblowerwe will begin impeachment investigations into the Attorney General,” he promised.

He went on to comment, “What’s interesting is the IRS whistleblower who has no political background, he took copious notes, he can tell you the date, he can tell you the people in the meeting.”

The crux of the matter is the discrepancies between what Weiss has said versus what Garland has claimed.

“U.S. Attorney Weiss testified that he subsequently requested special counsel authority from the lead DOJ at the time and was denied that authority,” Shapley stated.

Garland defended herself Friday, contradicting Weiss by saying Weiss “was given full authority to make all the decisions on her own.”

“I don’t know how it would be possible for anyone to prevent that from being attributed to a prosecution,” Garland tersely told reporters. “Some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department by claiming that we do not treat cases equally. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy.”

In a statement from his representatives on Friday, Shapley said that on Oct. 7, 2022, Weiss told six witnesses that he did not have authority to charge in other districts and therefore had requested special counsel status.

Shapley’s version was “independently and contemporaneously corroborated” in a now public email by witnesses, the legal team said Fox News.

Testimonials include Baltimore FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom Sobocinski and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ryeshia Holley, IRS Assistant Special Agent in Charge Gary Shapley and Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon, according to the legal team

McCarthy had previously hinted on Twitter that the House would proceed with impeachment against Garland over the weekend.

“We must get to the facts, and that includes reconciling these clear disparities. US Attorney David Weiss must provide answers to the House Judiciary Committee,” McCarthy tweeted Sunday. “If the whistleblowers’ allegations are true, this will be an important part of a larger impeachment inquiry into the DOJ weaponization of Merrick Garland.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) charged on his “Verdict” podcast that Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp text proves the president’s business ties to the Chinese Communists. He is excited at the prospect of Garland being impeached like many others. McCarthy welcomed Cruz’s statements and his addition to the House Republicans’ fray.

“We bring people in every day,” McCarthy stated.

“That’s why you now have the bank statements. That’s why you know the 1023. That’s why you know WhatsApp. We continue to do our information very differently than anyone else,” McCarthy said, referring to the internal FBI form FD-1023 uncovered by the Committee on House oversight that allegedly says Joe and Hunter Biden each received $5 million in bribes from a Ukrainian foreign national. national in exchange for political decisions.

“Now we have found out that the president has lied to us because he said that they have never dealt with anything in China,” he continued. “Now, the [IRS] The whistleblower says he was in a meeting with the Chinese company as a vice president.”

On Friday, Mark Lytle, a lawyer for Shapley, said his client’s attempts to get to the bottom of the WhatsApp story had been shut down by prosecutors.

“The agents wanted to follow up on this and the prosecutors told them not to because, oh, well, maybe Hunter Biden was snorting or something,” Lytle said, according to the daily mail.

Testimony was released Thursday suggesting that the Justice Department, the FBI and the IRS interfered in the investigation of the tax evasion case against Hunter Biden.

Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), who chairs the committee, said the whistleblowers’ testimony “highlights government misconduct and abuse at the IRS and FBI in the Hunter Biden investigation. Whistleblowers Describe how Biden’s Department of Justice intervened and overreached in a campaign to protect Joe Biden’s son by delaying, disclosing and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.”

“The allegations point to a constant campaign of unequal treatment to enforce the tax law; interference by the Department of Justice in the form of delays, disclosures and denials, in the investigation of fiscal crimes that may have been committed by the president’s son; and finally, retaliation against IRS employees who reported misconduct,” the committee said Thursday.

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