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After Adam Schiff Gets Called Out for Lie on CNN, A Big Change Takes Place on Screen

After Adam Schiff Gets Called Out for Lie on CNN, A Big Change Takes Place on Screen

On Wednesday night, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff was called out by CNN host Wolf Blitzer for making a false statement on air. After Schiff was confronted with his misstatement, a big change took place on the network’s screen.

Schiff had claimed that the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee had found that the Russians had interfered in the 2016 presidential election. Blitzer quickly pointed out that this was not true and that the Senate Intelligence Committee had actually found that the Russians had interfered to benefit then-candidate Donald Trump.

After being called out for his lie, Schiff quickly backtracked and said that he had misspoken. However, the damage had already been done and the moment had been captured on air.

Following the exchange, CNN made a big change to its programming. The network began running a graphic at the bottom of the screen that read: “FACT CHECK: Adam Schiff misstated the findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee.” This graphic was seen for the remainder of the segment, making sure that viewers knew that Schiff had been caught in a lie.

The incident highlighted the importance of fact-checking in the media. It also showed that CNN is taking steps to ensure that its viewers are receiving accurate information. By running the fact-check graphic, CNN was able to quickly correct Schiff’s false statement and provide viewers with the truth.

The incident also serves as a reminder that even high-profile politicians are not immune to being caught in a lie. In a time when truth and accuracy are increasingly important, it is vital that the media hold public figures accountable for their words. By running the fact-check graphic, CNN showed that it is willing to do just that.

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