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Abbas’s view of the history of the Holocaust arouses global concern

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has sparked international protest with his recent statements about Jews and the Holocaust. In his speech, he claimed that Adolf Hitler persecuted the Jews because of their “social role” related to moneylending, not because of religious hatred.

Reacting to this, Israel’s ambassador to the UN labeled Abbas’ words as “pure anti-Semitism”. Echoing this sentiment, Germany’s Ramallah mission stated: “History is clear… Millions of lives were wiped out, that cannot be relativized.” The German ambassador to Israel, Steffen Seibert, pointed out clearly: “The Palestinians deserve to hear the historical truth from their leader, not these distortions.”

Highlighting Hitler’s malicious intent, historians confirm that he targeted the Jews as the root of Germany’s problems and saw them as an inferior race deserving of elimination.

Abbas’s comments were not the first of their kind. He suggested in his speech to the Revolutionary Council of Fatah that “Hitler killed the Jews… not because they were Jews… they fought them because of their social role.” He then elaborated, connecting his paper with “usury, money, etc.” In addition, Abbas challenged Jewish lineage, arguing that European Ashkenazi Jews could have Turkish origins, stating: “European Jews are not Semites. They have nothing to do with Semitism.”

Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, strongly refuted, stating: “This is the true face of the Palestinian ‘leadership’…Abbas blames the Jews for all the problems in the Middle East.” He urged worldwide recognition and condemnation of Abbas’s views.

The European Union also expressed concern, calling Abbas’ speech “false and very misleading” and adding: “They are playing into the hands of those who do not want a two-state solution.”

Previous inflammatory comments by Abbas, which drew parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany, also attracted global attention, prompting Abbas to offer subsequent clarifications, though stopping short of a full apology .

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