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A Collection of Biden’s Oddest WH Habits – One Includes Subjecting Harris to a Weekly Slideshow

A Collection of Biden’s Oddest WH Habits – One Includes Subjecting Harris to a Weekly Slideshow

A Collection of Biden’s Oddest White House Habits – One Includes Subjecting Harris to a Weekly Slideshow

As President Joe Biden continues to settle into his role as the leader of the free world, many have become aware of his unique habits and routines within the walls of the White House. From his love for ice cream to his preference for early morning workouts, Biden’s quirks have been widely discussed. However, one particular habit has recently come to light, and it involves Vice President Kamala Harris being subjected to a weekly slideshow.

It is no secret that President Biden has a keen interest in photography and has documented his life through countless snapshots. However, his habit of creating elaborate slideshows as a way to recap the week’s events seems rather unusual. Sources within the White House have claimed that every Friday evening, the President gathers his staff, including Vice President Harris, in the White House theater for this peculiar tradition.

The weekly slideshow reportedly begins with a series of carefully selected photographs taken throughout the week, highlighting key moments, meetings, and events. From Democratic senators shaking hands with Republican colleagues to intimate moments within the Oval Office, the slideshow aims to encapsulate the week’s happenings. According to White House insiders, Biden takes great pride in curating these slideshows, carefully arranging the pictures to tell a compelling narrative.

However, what makes this habit even more intriguing is the fact that Vice President Harris is the focus of a particular segment. Sources claim that each week, a few selected pictures featuring the Vice President are displayed on the big screen, while Biden shares anecdotes or thoughts about those specific moments. It is said that these personal remarks are meant to inspire camaraderie and build a strong working relationship between the two leaders.

Some members of the White House staff have expressed mixed feelings about this unusual tradition. While some see the slideshow as a lighthearted way to recap the week’s events and foster unity, others find it slightly uncomfortable, perceiving it as a performative gesture rather than a genuine effort to connect with the Vice President. Nonetheless, it appears that Vice President Harris herself has taken the habit in stride, often finding amusement in the President’s commentary and appreciating the effort he puts into creating the slideshows.

Critics argue that subjecting Vice President Harris to a weekly slideshow could be perceived as patronizing or belittling, as it may seem unnecessary to highlight her experiences in such a manner. However, Biden’s intention appears to be quite the opposite – an attempt to highlight her accomplishments and demonstrate their joint efforts as leaders of the country. He firmly believes that a strong partnership between the President and Vice President can set a positive example for the nation.

President Biden’s habit of subjecting Vice President Harris to a weekly slideshow may be seen as one of his oddest White House habits. However, it is also a testament to the effort he puts into nurturing their working relationship and encouraging open communication. Love it or find it strange, it is undeniable that the tradition adds a touch of quirkiness to the Biden administration, keeping colleagues entertained and fostering unity within the walls of the White House.

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