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Slugga: Uniparty paves way for Americans to be used as cannon fodder for Ukraine

The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

It was always obvious that money would not be enough and now the one-party has put the Americans one step closer to feeding themselves in the bloody proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

On Friday, a bipartisan House committee overwhelmingly approved a bill that will automatically register men between the ages of 18 and 26 for selective service and an all-but-inevitable military draft if President Joe Biden and his neocon zealots are able to maintain power in this year's elections.

Proving that all political squabbles are set aside when it comes to really bad things, like foreign wars that don't benefit ordinary Americans, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) saw her bill that already would not make registration “voluntary”. approved by a resounding 57-1.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), of which automatic registration was a part of the draft, later passed the full House 217-199 with a rubber stamp by bipartisan warmongers in the Senate as a procedure

“Using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] The agency will be able to register all the necessary people and thus help ensure that any future military project is fair and equitable,” Houlahan said, because nothing is more equitable than becoming cannon fodder for Ukraine, a country that is such a shining beacon of democracy, that it has suspended the elections indefinitely.

Although Republicans loaded the NDAA with controversial provisions on abortion and transgenderism, those things will be ironed out with the important precursor to quickly draft the sons and daughters of American mothers to fight the Russians, and perhaps the Iranians and the Chinese.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said as much earlier this year when he threatened that if the House did not approve the $60 billion for Ukraine that Biden is asking for, that Americans would be the that they should fight the war in Europe.

(Video: MSNBC)

Thanks to erratic Republican Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Volodymyr Zelenzky got his money's worth, but now that Biden has just made a ten-year commitment to Ukraine, there will likely be a much higher cost.

And Schumer's Senate version of the bill will also include women.

NATO already counts on America to supply the bodies.

And if Biden wins, or more likely, the election is stolen again, the carnage could begin quickly now that Biden has given Ukraine the green light to use US-provided weapons to attack Russia, the nation is already beautiful. Very much at war with the NPP now and once he doesn't have to worry about the voters, things could get very ugly, very fast.

In many ways they already have. Russia has just sailed a nuclear submarine and support ships into Havana harbor, along with hypersonic missiles that could reach the eastern seaboard in minutes if things escalate quickly.

And it's not like conscripted troops are being sent to defend anything like freedom, that ship has already sailed in the not-so-free USA, and they're actually going to fight for new Western civilizational values ​​like child sexual genital mutilation. anal sex, censorship and just good old fashioned greed.

One thing is for sure, if the draft is reinstated, the children and grandchildren of the chicken coopers in Congress will not be the ones sent to die, they never are.


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