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Social Media Disgusted As Biden Plays Creepy Santa, Invites Kid To Sit On His Lap

As inflation-battered Americans get crushed by “Bidenomics” this Christmas, the geriatric Democrat was playing Santa and asking if a child would like to sit on his lap in a chilling video making the rounds on social media.

On Friday, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden stopped by the National Children's Hospital in Washington, DC to bring holiday cheer to young patients and their families, an annual tradition.

As Mrs. Biden read “'Twas the Night Before Christmas” to the children, her borderline senile husband watched the youngsters before inviting a young boy to jump up and sit on that lap.

With the promise of making him a Congressman, the octogenarian career politician lured ten-year-old Sumukh Arunkumar into the post.

“Come here, Mr. Mayor,” Biden said, gesturing to his lap. “I'm going to promote him. I'm going to make him a congressman”, but the young man was not easily convinced.

The scene really cracked up some users on X.

While the footage is truly chilling, it pales in comparison to the video of the first lady's Christmas celebration of a diverse collection of strangers, from a racist anti-white tap company playing for the House White until a “woke” version of “The Nutcracker” that was the last in the holiday tension.

The president has often been criticized for his strange behavior with children, as well as his penchant for sniffing hair, leading some to suggest that there is something seriously wrong with him.

“Next Christmas, when I see you, maybe we'll see you at the White House,” the president told the children.

“The visit continued an 81-year-old annual tradition, dating back to First Lady Bess Truman, of presidents' wives bringing holiday cheer to children too sick to be home for Christmas. President Biden has joined his wife at Children's National during their holiday visit for the past three years.” seconds in the Associated Press.


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