jueves, noviembre 14, 2024
HomeHappening NowPope Francis welcomes 'transgender' people as godparents

Pope Francis welcomes ‘transgender’ people as godparents


“A historic step forward”. That’s what Jimmy “Bridge to Hell” Martin is like praised this Pope Francis has committed another “heresy of practice.”

What just happened?

In a document issued in Italian only (since no one in Rome seems to know the Roman language anymore), two types of people are introduced and “welcomed” and given a role in the Church without a clear and firm purpose of amendment. The bottom line is that this exposes children to the transgender tyranny that has already invaded our public libraries in America.

Now this tyranny is coming to a nearby parish!

The first case is the transsexuals that the document defines as a person who had also undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery (“who has also undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery”). Comb translate and define that person as “a transgender-identifying adult.”

The document says, yes, these people can be baptized under the same conditions as the faithful, using a St. Thomas technicality: baptismal and sanctifying grace “stops” when a person is baptized because he remains in mortal sin, but he still indelible character is given.

This is how heretics can be fully baptized but not Catholic. Once the impediment of mortal sin – heresy – is removed, baptismal grace is “activated” so to speak, and they are washed like any of us.

Reinforcing this technicality, the document already cites Francis in his error condemned by other bishops that the Sacraments should be given even without a firm intention of amendment if there is any doubt about one’s subjective guilt.

What this means is lowering the bar as low as possible so that the wounded souls who have mutilated themselves and have not repented of this act against nature may be baptized in the hope that they may one day repent.

The document emphasizes that the Church must continue to propose the truth to these people, but the door has been opened to their baptism without repentance.

Having established this, the paper gives a white card to people like this – who do not have a “manifest purpose of amendment” – to become godparents and witnesses of the marriage.

With that out of the way, another class of people is introduced, two in fact: “homosexual people who live together” (Pentin’s translation). These people can be godparents, and it is implied that they can also baptize “their” child.

It makes a distinction, with amazing abstraction! – between homosexual people who live together and those who engage in sodomy (as a woman).

Excuse me, Your Holiness. What world do you live in?

In what world do two homosexuals live who do not commit sodomy? Is it not a mortal sin to expose oneself to an imminent occasion of mortal sin, or is this no longer a spiritual scandal in your world?

All I can think of now is the scandal at the little ones.

The Lord promised swift judgment for those who scatter these little ones I think of the children first. My children who will discover what our Holy Father has done, which amounts to opening the door for these poor souls to prey on children even in parishes.

And then, I think of those poor souls themselves: wounded people with deep wounds. People confused about their own sex, their own identity. Tricked by snakes like Jimmy Martin into cherishing their own wounds and identifying with their temptations. Believing in the temptation to mutilate his own God-given body: so beautiful Imago Dei that God created in his mother’s womb.

Oh my god! Have mercy on these poor souls! Save them from the wolves who seek to destroy their souls and send them to hell through a trap of the devil.

These poor souls who identify as LGBTQRSTUV+ have fallen into a trap laid by the fallen angels and like all the poor are used and abused by a worldwide Marxist conspiracy of demons to impose this godless tyranny of lies on everyone.

These souls are being trampled upon by demons, and now the Holy Father has given this world regime the white card needs

God bless all the faithful priests who attend to the wounds of these poor souls to save them from this tyranny of demons. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is wounded by his transgression and wounded by his iniquities, as it is for all of us.

God have mercy on these poor souls and save them from the demons who want them from the Eternal City!


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