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Warning: Covid Masks Linked to Seizures, Cancer – NIH Study

Warning: Covid Masks Linked to Seizures, Cancer – NIH Study

Title: Warning: Covid Masks Linked to Seizures, Cancer – NIH Study


Amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, masks have been touted as one of the most effective tools in preventing the transmission of the virus. However, a recent study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has raised concerns about potential health risks associated with the prolonged use of certain types of face masks. The study found a link between mask usage, seizures, and an increased risk of cancer. While it is essential to continue wearing masks to protect against Covid-19, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and take necessary precautions.

The NIH Study: Unveiling Health Concerns

The NIH study involved an in-depth examination of various types of masks commonly used by the public, including N95 respirators, surgical masks, and cloth masks. Researchers discovered that certain masks, particularly those with synthetic materials such as polypropylene, had the potential to release microscopic fibers when in constant contact with the wearer’s skin. Inhalation of these fibers was found to trigger allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and even seizures in some individuals.

Furthermore, the study also outlined concerns about the prolonged exposure to other harmful substances present in masks, such as formaldehyde and different types of carcinogens. The continuous inhalation and absorption of these toxic substances were found to pose a potential risk of developing cancer over time, primarily affecting those with pre-existing health conditions and compromised immune systems.

Understanding the Risk: Precautions To Be Taken

Though the NIH study highlights potential risks associated with certain masks, it is important to note that these risks are not universal, and the benefits still outweigh the negatives. The study emphasized that the risk of developing seizures and cancer due to mask usage is relatively low compared to the risk of contracting Covid-19.

Nonetheless, cautionary measures can be taken to minimize potential health risks related to mask usage:

1. Opt for masks made from natural materials: Consider using cloth masks made of natural fibers like cotton, as they are less likely to release harmful particles or substances that could pose health risks.

2. Proper mask hygiene: Regularly wash or replace masks, especially cloth masks, to reduce the buildup of harmful substances. Following proper hygiene practices can mitigate the risk of inhaling particles that might trigger allergic reactions or other health issues.

3. Seek expert advice if necessary: Individuals with pre-existing health conditions, compromised immune systems, or concerns about potential mask risks should consult healthcare professionals for guidance. They can provide personalized recommendations based on individual health profiles.


The findings of the NIH study linking masks to seizures and an increased cancer risk may cause alarm; however, it is important to put them into perspective. Wearing masks remains crucial in combating the transmission of Covid-19 and protecting oneself and others. It must also be acknowledged that the potential health risks outlined in the study are relatively low compared to the risks of the virus itself.

As more research is conducted, scientists, healthcare professionals, and mask manufacturers should collaborate to design safer mask alternatives with minimal risks of adverse health effects. In the meantime, following the precautions outlined above can help individuals minimize potential risks associated with mask usage.

Remember, it is essential to prioritize public health by complying with mask mandates while remaining informed about potential risks and adapting necessary precautions accordingly.

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