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McEnany Says ‘No Way’ WH Cocaine is Hunter’s, But Bongino Convinced Culprit Can Only Be Family

McEnany Says ‘No Way’ WH Cocaine is Hunter’s, But Bongino Convinced Culprit Can Only Be Family

Title: McEnany Says ‘No Way’ WH Cocaine is Hunter’s, But Bongino Convinced Culprit Can Only Be Family


In a recent development that has taken the media by storm, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has vehemently denied any connection between the alleged cocaine found on White House premises and Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. However, political commentator and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino argues that the only plausible explanation for the incident is a family member’s involvement.

The Alleged Cocaine Incident

Reports surfaced last week of an alleged incident involving the discovery of cocaine in a bathroom within the White House. While the specifics of the incident remain murky, it has sparked intense speculation and fueled public discussion.

The White House quickly issued a statement emphasizing that the incident was under investigation, and McEnany swiftly reassured the press corps that Hunter Biden was not involved. She maintained that there was “no way” the drugs could be linked to him.

McEnany’s Statements

During a press briefing held shortly after the incident became public knowledge, McEnany expressed her confidence in asserting Hunter Biden’s innocence. She stated, “There is no way that cocaine found on White House premises can be connected to Hunter Biden. It is simply impossible and pure speculation.” McEnany emphasized the need for a fair investigation, free from assumptions or political biases.

Bongino’s Counterargument

While McEnany is steadfast in her denial of any connection to the Biden family, Dan Bongino offers a different perspective. Bongino, who worked as a Secret Service agent during the Obama administration, argues that the only conceivable scenario would involve a close family member.

Bongino highlights that the White House is one of the most secure places on the planet, with rigorous access controls and stringent security measures. In light of this, he argues, it is highly unlikely that a random individual would have gained access to an area where drugs were allegedly found.

Bongino hypothesizes that the only possible explanation is that a family member, such as Hunter Biden, with access to restricted areas, could have been involved. While Bongino’s theory is based on speculation and inference, he asserts that this conclusion aligns with his experience in both the Secret Service and law enforcement.


As investigations into the alleged cocaine incident at the White House continue, divergent theories regarding its origin and those involved persist. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany maintains that Hunter Biden has no connection to the incident, categorically exonerating him. However, Dan Bongino, drawing from his experience in secret service and law enforcement, contends that the incident’s only plausible explanation is the involvement of a family member due to the highly secure nature of the White House.

As the investigation unfolds, the truth behind the alleged White House cocaine incident will hopefully come to light, providing clarity on the matter and dispelling or confirming the existing theories. Until then, speculation will continue to fuel debates among the public and political commentators alike.

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