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NYT Declares Bannon’s War Room The Top Spreader Of ‘Misinformation,’ Urges Deplatforming The Show Based Off CCP-Linked Researcher’s Report. – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

NYT Declares Bannon’s War Room The Top Spreader Of ‘Misinformation,’ Urges Deplatforming The Show Based Off CCP-Linked Researcher’s Report. – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic, a political talk show hosted by former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, has been declared the top spreader of “misinformation” by the New York Times, who has called for the show to be deplatformed. The call to deplatform the show comes after a report from a Chinese Communist Party-linked researcher, which found that the show had been spreading false information about the coronavirus pandemic.

The report, compiled by the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), found that the show had been spreading false information about the coronavirus pandemic. The GDI is a research organization that tracks and monitors the spread of false information online, and the report found that War Room: Pandemic was the top spreader of false information about the pandemic. The report found that the show was responsible for more than 10 million false claims related to the pandemic.

In response to the report, the New York Times has called for the show to be deplatformed, arguing that it is a “dangerous source of misinformation” and that it should not be allowed to continue to spread false information. The Times also argued that the show was being used as a “propaganda tool” by the Chinese Communist Party, and that deplatforming the show would help to prevent the spread of false information.

The call to deplatform War Room: Pandemic has been met with criticism from some, who argue that the show should be allowed to remain on the air as it is an important source of information for many people. Others have argued that deplatforming the show would be a violation of free speech, and that the show should be allowed to continue to air as long as it adheres to the truth.

Regardless of the outcome, the report from the GDI and the call to deplatform War Room: Pandemic has highlighted the need for greater scrutiny of the spread of false information online, and the potential dangers it can pose to public health and safety. It is clear that more needs to be done to ensure that false information is not spread online, and that those who are responsible for spreading it are held accountable.

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