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DOJ fraud probe into drug testing company whose drug tests were used to medically kidnap children

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Many people were first exposed to fraud in the field of medical testing during the COVID scam when PCR tests were weaponized to take away people’s liberties.

The FDA issued literally hundreds of Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) to drug testing companies to quickly enter the market for tests that could supposedly detect the COVID-19 “virus.”

The fraud was so great that people started sending the same PCR test to different labs to show that the test results were not consistent even between different labs, and some even sent fruit swabs or other foods that came back positive for COVID-19.” virus results.

However, this medical diagnosis fraud has existed long before the COVID scam.

For years we have covered how drug testing is used as a weapon against parents and used in child custody cases to justify states medically abducting children.

In 2019, for example, we reported how the owner of a drug testing lab in Alabama was arrested for falsifying paternity tests and drug screening tests in child custody cases.

This article received over 100,000 views on our website, suggesting that many parents have experienced this type of fraud when losing their children.

Alabama lab owner arrested for falsifying drug test results used to medically abduct children

In 2020, we reported on a case in Alabama where the mother of an infant was separated from her child at the hospital because a drug test allegedly found traces of opioids in his system, but it was a false positive positive because the mother had eaten poppy seed bread. the day before.

Alabama mother separated from baby for days due to false drug test after eating poppy seeds

When WAFF posted the story on social media, they say the story was exposed to tens of thousands of people who read it and received hundreds of comments from people who said they had similar experiences with child protective services .

When a woman is giving birth in a hospital, she is often drug tested illegally, without her knowledge or consent. If the drug test comes back positive, she goes home without her baby.

In an article just published by Alice Hines at VICE News, she reports that Averhealth, a drug testing company used by courts across the country to decide whether people go to prison or parents keep custody of their children, was under investigation by the Department of Justice. (DOJ) for fraud in 2022.

Averhealth conducts millions of drug tests a year, working with courts and government agencies in 34 states.

The DOJ investigated Averhealth, emails reviewed by VICE News show, after the company’s former lab director testified that up to 30 percent of its results in Michigan were wrong.

For Alice Hines


Averhealth, a drug-testing company used by courts across the country to decide whether people go to prison or parents keep custody of their children, was under investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for fraud in 2022 , according to emails reviewed by VICE News. .

Averhealth conducts millions of drug tests a year, working with courts and government agencies in 34 states. The DOJ had been investigating the company since June 2021, according to emails between the DOJ and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), one of the state agencies that contracted with Averhealth. The investigation was still active as of March 2022. The investigation led the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to stop doing business with Averhealth, according to an internal department email.

The DOJ investigation gathered information about court testimony given by former Averhealth lab director Sarah Riley in 2021 that up to 30 percent of the results reported to the child welfare agency state of Michigan were incorrect, both false positives and false negatives. As VICE News previously reported, Riley testified that Averhealth was screwing up quality controls that ensure lab instruments are properly calibrated. The company denies these claims.

The DOJ did not comment on the investigation, including whether it was concluded or ongoing. Neither does Averhealth.

Michigan’s attorney general was also investigating the company in 2021, according to an internal email sent by an attorney from the office involved in the investigation. The state attorney general’s office had no comment on the investigation.

Riley, a forensic toxicologist, was hired to oversee Averhealth’s central lab, where samples are processed and evaluated, in September 2020. She resigned in November of that year. Riley also filed a complaint with Averhealth’s accreditor, the College of American Pathologists, over what it said were unacceptable laboratory practices.

“I know there were false positives reported based on practices,” Riley stated.

Riley’s court testimony was part of a case in which a mother challenged an Averhealth test that tested positive for cannabis, in an effort to regain custody of her children. The mother submitted drug tests, which came back negative for weed, from an outside lab. But the judge ultimately sided with the prosecutor and did not reject Averhealth’s results. The judge later terminated the mother’s parental rights.

Several parents are suing Averhealth after they say they received false positive results for cocaine and opiates from the company. One of them subsequently lost visitation rights to their children.

“I have never used cocaine,” one parent wrote in an email to Averhealth, cited in the complaint. “These results are not accurate. I also lost nights with my children and now my visitation is supervised.”

Read the full article at VICE News.

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Published on January 30, 2023

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