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Ted Cruz Calls For FBI To Search Hunter Biden’s Home And Business For Classified Documents

Ted Cruz Calls For FBI To Search Hunter Biden’s Home And Business For Classified Documents

Ted Cruz Calls For FBI To Search Hunter Biden’s Home And Business For Classified Documents

In recent weeks, Senator Ted Cruz has been vocal about his desire for the FBI to launch an investigation into potential security risks posed by Hunter Biden, the son of President-elect Joe Biden. Cruz has called for the FBI to search Hunter Biden’s home and business for classified documents.

The senator from Texas has been vocal in his criticism of the Biden family, and has accused Hunter of being involved in questionable activities. Cruz has argued that Hunter Biden has been involved in a number of international business dealings and has had access to classified information.

Cruz has called for the FBI to investigate Hunter Biden’s involvement in a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, which has been accused of corruption. Cruz has also suggested that the FBI should search Hunter Biden’s home and business for any classified documents that may have been obtained through his business dealings.

The senator’s call for an investigation into Hunter Biden has been met with criticism from some Democrats. They have argued that Cruz’s calls are politically motivated and are an attempt to discredit the incoming Biden administration.

However, Cruz has argued that his calls are not politically motivated but instead are based on legitimate security concerns. He has argued that the security of the United States is at risk if classified documents are in the possession of someone who is not authorized to have them.

Cruz has also argued that the FBI should investigate Hunter Biden’s involvement in a Chinese company, CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd. The company has been accused of being involved in money laundering and other dubious activities.

The senator has argued that the FBI should investigate Hunter Biden’s involvement in the company to determine if he had access to classified documents or other sensitive information. Cruz has argued that the security of the United States is at risk if classified documents are in the possession of someone who is not authorized to have them.

The Biden transition team has rejected Cruz’s calls for an investigation into Hunter Biden. They have argued that the calls are politically motivated and are an attempt to discredit the incoming Biden administration.

The Biden team has also argued that any investigation into Hunter Biden should be conducted by the Justice Department, not the FBI. They have argued that the FBI does not have the authority to conduct such an investigation.

Despite the criticism from the Biden team, Cruz has continued to call for an investigation into Hunter Biden. He has argued that the security of the United States is at risk if classified documents are in the possession of someone who is not authorized to have them.

The controversy surrounding Hunter Biden is likely to continue as the Biden administration takes office. It remains to be seen whether the FBI will launch an investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and whether they will search his home and business for any classified documents.

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