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The Left’s New Scheme That Threatens Free Elections

The Left’s New Scheme That Threatens Free Elections

The left has a new scheme that threatens free elections, and it is gaining traction. The scheme, known as “ranked-choice voting,” is a voting system that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference. While the system may sound appealing at first, it could have a devastating effect on our democracy.

Ranked-choice voting is being pushed by the left as a way to make elections more fair and to reduce the influence of powerful special interests. However, the system could actually have the opposite effect. By allowing voters to rank multiple candidates, the system creates a situation where a candidate with a plurality of votes can still lose. This could lead to a situation where the candidate with the most votes is not the one who actually wins the election.

In addition, ranked-choice voting could make it easier for fringe candidates to win elections. By allowing voters to rank multiple candidates, it allows fringe candidates to siphon off votes from more mainstream candidates. This could lead to the election of candidates with extreme views who would otherwise not have been able to win.

Finally, ranked-choice voting could lead to a situation where the majority of voters are disenfranchised. Because the system allows voters to rank multiple candidates, it is possible that the winner will not receive a majority of the votes. This could lead to a situation where the majority of voters are left without representation in their government.

The left’s push for ranked-choice voting is a dangerous threat to our democracy. The system could lead to the election of fringe candidates, the disenfranchisement of the majority of voters, and a situation where the candidate with the most votes does not win. We must be vigilant in ensuring that our elections remain free and fair, and resist any attempts to introduce ranked-choice voting.

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