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Steel Yourselves, Conservatives The Left has zero reason to take the foot off the gas. Elections, legitimate or not, have consequences. https://amgrea…

Steel Yourselves, Conservatives The Left has zero reason to take the foot off the gas. Elections, legitimate or not, have consequences. https://amgrea…

Steel Yourselves, Conservatives: The Left Has Zero Reason to Take the Foot Off the Gas

As the 2020 election season comes to a close, it’s clear that the Left has no intention of slowing down. With control of the White House and both Houses of Congress, they’re in a position to push through a radical agenda that could have lasting impacts on the nation. For conservatives, this means it’s time to steel themselves and prepare for a long fight ahead.

The 2020 election may have been a surprise to some, but it’s clear that the Left had a plan in place to take full advantage of the situation. From the moment the polls opened, they were ready to seize the opportunity to expand their power. In the days since, they’ve moved quickly to push through their agenda, from reversing Trump-era policies to introducing sweeping reforms on immigration and health care.

This is why it’s so important for conservatives to steel themselves for the fight ahead. The Left has no reason to take their foot off the gas, and they’re likely to continue pushing their agenda until it’s fully implemented. This means that conservatives need to be prepared to fight back, to stand up for their beliefs and to make sure that their voices are heard.

It’s also important for conservatives to remember that elections, legitimate or not, have consequences. While it may be tempting to ignore the results of the 2020 election, doing so would be a mistake. Instead, conservatives should use this as an opportunity to organize, to build coalitions, and to fight the Left’s agenda wherever possible.

The Left has made it clear that they’re not going to back down, and that’s why it’s so important for conservatives to steel themselves for the fight ahead. This is a time for conservatives to come together, to stand up for their beliefs, and to make sure that their voices are heard. The Left may have the power now, but with enough effort, conservatives can make sure that their voices are heard and that their values are represented.

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