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Tucker Points To “Signs” Sinister Forces Were Behind Last Week’s FAA Nationwide Ground Stop (VIDEO)

Tucker Points To “Signs” Sinister Forces Were Behind Last Week’s FAA Nationwide Ground Stop (VIDEO)

On Tuesday, June 16th, 2020, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a nationwide ground stop for all flights in the United States. The sudden and unexpected move caused major disruptions in air travel, and left many wondering what had caused the FAA to take such drastic measures.

In the days following the ground stop, speculation has been rampant as to the cause of the stoppage. Some have suggested that it was due to a computer glitch, while others have pointed to a possible cyber attack. However, Tucker Carlson of Fox News has suggested that more sinister forces were at work.

On his show, Carlson pointed to a number of “signs” that suggest something more nefarious was behind the FAA’s ground stop. He noted that the stoppage was issued without warning, and that the FAA was unable to provide any explanation for the move. He also pointed out that the ground stop came at a time when the United States was in the midst of a heated debate over immigration, and that the FAA’s move could be seen as an attempt to disrupt the debate.

Carlson went on to suggest that the ground stop was a result of “pressure” from outside forces, and that the move was “not normal.” He noted that the stoppage was issued without warning, and that the FAA was unable to provide any explanation for the move. He also pointed out that the ground stop came at a time when the United States was in the midst of a heated debate over immigration, and that the FAA’s move could be seen as an attempt to disrupt the debate.

In addition to these “signs”, Carlson also pointed to the fact that the ground stop was lifted without any explanation from the FAA. This, he argued, was further evidence that something more sinister was at work. He also noted that the stoppage was lifted at a time when the debate over immigration had reached a fever pitch, which could be seen as an attempt to disrupt the debate.

So, what is the real story behind the FAA’s nationwide ground stop? At this point, it is impossible to say for certain. However, Carlson’s “signs” suggest that something more sinister was at work. Whether it was a computer glitch, a cyber attack, or something else, it is clear that the FAA’s ground stop was not a normal occurrence.

It is also clear that the FAA’s move had a major impact on air travel, and that it has caused major disruptions in the United States. As such, it is important that the public continues to press for answers as to the cause of the stoppage. Until then, we can only speculate as to what really happened, and who was behind it.

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