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Alarm bells are ringing after it was revealed that critical election information was given to China that could have a major impact on the upcoming US elections.

The news came to light after an investigation by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that a Chinese-owned company had obtained sensitive voter registration data from a US state. The company in question, ZTE, had been previously identified as a national security threat by the US government.

The data, which included names, addresses, and dates of birth of registered voters, was obtained through a third-party vendor working with the state. It is unclear how the data was obtained, but it is believed that it was done without the knowledge or consent of the state.

The news has sparked fears that the Chinese government could use the information to interfere in the upcoming US elections. It is possible that the Chinese government could use the data to target certain voters with disinformation or other tactics in an effort to sway the election.

The news has also raised concerns about the security of US voting systems. The DHS has warned that foreign actors could exploit weaknesses in US voting systems to manipulate the outcome of an election.

The news has also raised questions about the security of other sensitive data held by US states. It is possible that the Chinese government could use the same tactics to obtain other sensitive information, such as medical records or tax returns.

The news has sparked a backlash from US lawmakers, who have called for an investigation into the incident and for greater security measures to be put in place to protect US voting systems.

The incident highlights the need for greater vigilance when it comes to protecting sensitive data from foreign actors. It also serves as a reminder that US elections are vulnerable to outside interference and that greater security measures need to be put in place to protect them.

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