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Epigenetics exposes Darwinian biology as religion: Your DNA does NOT determine your health!

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for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Darwinian biology has shaped the field of “science” for nearly two centuries. However, Darwin’s theories of life and origins have undergone many revisions and updates over the years as scientific discovery brings to light new truths that challenge many of Darwin’s presuppositions.

DNA, for example, is a classification system that was unknown in Darwin’s time, and many of the principles of DNA have presented problems for Darwin’s theories.

In recent years, the entire field of “epigenetics” has shown that we are not the sum total of our “DNA blueprint.” In fact, the growing field of epigenetics completely contradicts the principles of Darwinian biology according to biophysicist Dr. Cornelius G. Hunter.

Cornelius G. Hunter is a graduate of the University of Illinois, where he earned a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Computational Biology. He is an adjunct professor at Biola University and author of the award-winning Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil.

Epigenetics (epi means genetics “above”) is a term given to the mechanisms that do not alter the genes in our DNA, but turn them on or off (or influence whether they are off or on). Epigenetic mechanisms are complicated and allow organisms to adapt intelligently and quickly to challenging environments.

This is one of the reasons why this contradicts evolutionary theory: adaptation arises immediately, in direct response to challenge. Not blindly. Not by random mutation. Not by natural selection.

Epigenetic mechanisms are ubiquitous in biology and extremely important. Because of epigenetics, organisms with identical genes (eg, twins) can be quite different.

Now check out a recent article in The Scientist about Andrew Pospisilik and his epigenetics research. The article attempts to introduce epigenetics into an evolutionary framework. From, “One Sequence, Many Variations”:

For organisms that produce a lot of offspring, such as fruit flies, it makes no evolutionary sense to have hundreds of truly identical offspring. If their DNA sequence makes them sensitive to an environmental disturbance, then they could all die.

That makes sense, right? bad It attributes to evolution the ability to see the future. There’s a fancy term for this future-ability: teleology. Evolution is not and cannot be teleological.

Evolutionists do it all the time. Literature is full of teleological language, because otherwise it makes no sense. This is an internal contradiction. For more details, watch my video:

I encourage everyone to watch this video by Dr. Hunter on DNA methylation, which is just over 35 minutes long. This is a very important truth to understand, because there is a lot of false information in the Alternative Health media right now that claims that because the traits of COVID-19 “alter DNA”, they cannot be cured of the damage, and that people are becoming “transhuman” as a result, and are no longer “homo sapiens”.

This is totally false and is spreading unnecessary fear. The field of epigenetics shows us that our bodies did not evolve by chance, but were wonderfully designed with mechanisms to turn off “bad genes” and even develop “good genes” that can be passed down the generations future

A study published in the Biophysical Journal in 2019 at New York University revealed that “a team of scientists has identified how damaged DNA molecules are repaired within the human genome, a discovery that offers new insights into how the body works to ensure its health and how it responds to diseases resulting from damaged DNA.”

They stated that “the human genome undergoes about a thousand DNA damage events every day, which can occur naturally or due to external factors such as chemicals or UV radiation (eg sunlight)”. (Source.)

In fact, if you search PubMed for the term “DNA repair,” you’ll get over 100,000 results in the peer-reviewed medical literature.

We’ve been reporting on the field of epigenetics here at Health Impact News for over a decade.

Charles Darwin was not the only scientist who developed the concept of “natural selection” in evolution. One of his contemporaries was Alfred Russel Wallace, who shared his work on natural selection with Darwin.

Unlike Darwin, however, Wallace’s observation of the natural world led him to believe that there was an “intelligent design” behind nature.

Learn more about Alfred Russel Wallace here.

So how did Darwin’s work come to gain such prominence, that it became the entire basis of “science” in Western culture today?

Darwin was a Freemason. As we have documented over the past few years, Freemasonry is the driving force behind who gains world fame, whether in science, politics, business or entertainment, and who does not.

This is well documented in Altiyan Childs documentary on Freemasonry:

Insider exposes Freemasonry as the world’s oldest secret religion and Luciferian plans for the new world order

Darwin’s contemporaries in Freemasonry were Karl Marx, who wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848, and Karl Ritter (1779-1859), who was a German professor of History and Geopolitical Science, and wrote the antithesis of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, drafting a plan by which he maintained the Aryan race would first dominate Europe, and then the entire world.

But it was Darwin’s work that had a greater impact on modern culture than even Marx or Ritter, as his theories of evolution are accepted as fact today by everyone, regardless of which side of the political debate (Marx – Left – Communism or Ritter –). Right – Nazism) follows.

Christian doctors in today’s alternative health media, who were all trained in Darwinian biology in their medical training, and who are promoting transhumanism, are unwittingly promoting the secular Godless beliefs of Darwin and Ritter, and the masonic agenda that is pushing Davos. and the World Economic Forum, encouraging people to fear “transhumanism” and claiming that if you get COVID-19, your DNA is altered and cannot be cured or saved.

This is wrong and must stop!

Altiyan Childs (and others) have exposed that the secret society of Freemasonry is no different from Satanism. The only difference is that one is done in the open (Satanism is rampant in America indoctrinating children and youth), and the other, Freemasonry, is done in secret.


Those who have tried to expose Freemasonry as Satanism in the past, especially if they were in a position of high authority, are usually silenced. And that included former US President John F. Kennedy.

But now that’s all changed, and evil deeds that were done mostly in secret in past eras are now happening out in the open for all to see, like the COVID-19 bioweapon shots.

I still get emails from people after I post articles like this who like to talk to me like I’m a fool for “mixing religion” with the facts I report about the activities of globalists.

But I’m not the one who’s stupid. If you do not understand that the person at the top who is calling all the shots is not human, but someone called “Satan” or known as “the devil”, then you will not be able to fully understand the day and the hours what are we in living You, like all of us, have been brainwashed by Darwinian propaganda and their “god” called “science”.

How do you think these power families who control the world’s banks and finance, financing wars and “pandemics”, like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, continue to retain their power generation after the death of the leaders of these family dynasties?

They do this through their religion and their allegiance to Satan, especially through Freemasonry.

Breaking free from the propaganda that we have all been subjected to throughout our lives is not an easy task and is a lifelong effort. It requires a diligent study of the Old Scriptures, the Bible, which gives us the plan of mankind, from beginning to end, and exposes Satan. I will see:

Should you read the old Bible? Is the Bible accurate or corrupt?

I begin each day by reading the Bible and taking notes on the things that the Spirit of Christ is revealing to me that day. And practically every day I gain new insights and understanding to help me get through the craziness of the times we live in.

I’ve been doing this for over 45 years, so to email me and tell me to stop writing about God, Satan, or the Bible, is basically telling me to stop writing and posting altogether. And only God can tell me that.

When Jesus left this earth after his resurrection, he told his disciples to look forward to his imminent return. And that is what is supposed to guide our lives, not waiting for some politician or other savior to come and save the day, or bring justice to Satan and his minions.

Everyone who reads this will die. Your body will undergo physical death and begin to decay, or possibly burn to ashes.

But your soul and spirit will live on. Have you prepared for this weather?

Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly await the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you strong to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you to fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, is faithful. (1 Corinthians 1:7-9)


Year 2023: Will America Fulfill Its Destiny? Jesus Christ is the only “transhuman” the world has seen or will ever see

Insider exposes Freemasonry as the world’s oldest secret religion and Luciferian plans for the new world order

See also:

Understand the times we are currently living in

How to determine if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ or not

Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church

Who you allow to define “disease” determines whether you live in slavery or freedom

When the World is Against You: God’s Power to Intervene for Those Who Resist

An idolatrous nation celebrates “freedom” even though they are slaves to the pharmaceutical cult

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The most important truth about the arrival of the “new world order” Almost no one disputes it

Insider exposes Freemasonry as the world’s oldest secret religion and Luciferian plans for the new world order

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order: Who Are the “Jews”?

Posted on January 7, 2023

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