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Does the CIA have the technology to hack your car? The researcher reveals that the Google Home speakers could have been turned into wiretaps

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In 2017, Wikileaks revealed that the CIA was working on ways to hack a vehicle’s control systems as early as 2014. See:


Other hackers have already done this, as far back as 2015.

Do you think the CIA (and other intelligence and law enforcement agencies) have figured it out yet? Yes me too.

Think of all the ways the government can use this technology. Besides the obvious use of being able to assassinate someone, as allegedly happened to journalist Michael Hastings in 2013, governments could use it in emergency situations where they want to lock down the population and control how many vehicles are allowed in in the streets

If there are enough people asking for vehicles without an internet connection, I’m sure a good aftermarket product line would be developed to “unplug” modern vehicles. Likewise, older models of vehicles from before the Internet revolution that never went online could become valuable on the used car market.

ZeroHedge News reported today that Google Home speakers may have been used for cable taps for several years before a “patch” was developed for it.

A researcher reveals that Google Home speakers could have been hijacked and turned into wiretapping devices

by Zerohedge News

Security researcher Matt Kunze revealed a serious vulnerability in Google’s smart home speakers that could have allowed threat actors to gain remote access to the devices.

Kunze was experimenting with his own Google Home speaker in early 2021 when he found that a hacker could install a “backdoor” account on the device via the web. He detailed the security flaw at length on his blog, indicating that someone could send commands to the speaker remotely, access its microphone, erase Wi-Fi passwords and gain access to other devices on the network.

He said the hacker would have to trick the target or victim into installing a malicious Android app, which allowed the attacker’s account to connect to the smart speaker. Once the hacker was inside, the microphone on the Google Home speaker would be easily accessible to eavesdrop on conversations.

The victim would have no idea about the hack. Kunze said, “The only thing they might notice is the LEDs on the device turning solid blue, but they’d probably just assume it’s updating the firmware or something.”

He reported the security flaw to Google in early 2021 and a patch was provided to all devices in April of the same year. The tech giant rewarded him with more than $100,000 for his efforts.

“Recently, Google awarded me a total of $107,500 for responsibly disclosing security issues in the Google Home smart speaker that allowed a nearby wireless attacker to install a ‘backdoor’ account ” to the device, which allowed them to send commands to it remotely through the device. Internet, access its microphone channel, and make arbitrary HTTP requests within the victim’s LAN (which could expose the Wi-Fi password Fi or provide the attacker direct access to the victim’s other devices).These issues have since been fixed,” he wrote on his blog.

“It’s worth noting that Google Home was launched in 2016, that scheduled routines were added in 2018, and that the Local Home SDK was introduced in 2020, so an attacker who found the issue before April 2021 would have had plenty of time to take advantage of it,” Tech. blog Bleeping Computer noted.

Read the full article at Zerohedge News.

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Published on December 30, 2022

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