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Warning Signs Amid Discovery, FBI May Launch Pegasus Cell Phone Target With Appointment of Special Counsel

If you read the article about “Project Pegasus,” spyware created to infect cell phones that was marketed by Israeli intelligence through a company called NSO {Go Deep Here}, you basically know the background. Pegasus is “clickless” targeted spyware that can be deployed against mobile phones by simply entering the phone number and transmitting to it.

The Guardian previously reported: “Claudio Guarnieri, who heads Amnesty International’s Security Lab, said that once a phone was infected with Pegasus, an NSO client could take control of a phone, which allowed them to extract a person’s messages, calls, photos and emails, secretly activate cameras or microphones and read the content of encrypted messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal.”

Pegasus was deployed to target tens of thousands of cellphones by people to whom Israel sold the spyware. The Guardian, and a left-wing group allied to the media, were previously given access to a leaked batch of 50,000 phone numbers where the Pegasus software was running.

In a recent New York Times update they stated: “[it] has been used by police and intelligence services to hack the phones of drug lords and terrorists, but gained notoriety when it was revealed that governments such as Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Hungary and India , they had deployed it against political dissidents, journalists and human rights workers. .

It was also recently revealed that the US FBI under Director Chris Wray purchased the Pegasus program for “FBI experiments” and “exploration” of how the spyware program could be used domestically.

The FBI was initially reluctant to disclose its ownership of the Pegasus program, but in FOIA documents related to potential domestic surveillance and concerns about Fourth Amendment constitutional protections, the FBI admitted that they retained the capability, but promised that it had not been deployed.

(New York News) – […] The Times revealed in January that the FBI had purchased Pegasus in 2018 and, for the next two years, tested the spyware at a secret facility in New Jersey. Since the bureau first purchased the tool, it has paid approximately $5 million to NSO.

Since this story was published, FBI officials, including Mr. Wray, they have gone above and beyond what they did during the closed session with senators last December. They acknowledged that the bureau did consider deploying Pegasus, though they still emphasized that the FBI’s primary goal was to test and evaluate it to gauge how adversaries might use it. (Read more)

Now stay with me…

The FBI isn’t saying they won’t use Pegasus, it simply said they wouldn’t use the spyware outside of the legal framework for deployment without a valid, legal investigative basis. In other words, if there was a court-ordered search warrant, Pegasus would be a tool to use in criminal investigations.

The latest Pegasus discussions came about four days after the US election, in a New York Times article November 12. We are aware of the general use of the New York Times regarding the DOJ/FBI and their domestic PR efforts. [Broadly, Main Justice (DOJ/FBI) use NYT/Politico, CIA use WaPo and State Dept use CNN]

Consider the moment on November 12 against the backdrop of the main Justice announcing the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith November 18. Media narratives often follow a data frequency, a rhyme, or a signal that you can hear amidst the background operations.

So here we have: (1) Pegasus, a stealthy surveillance and investigative evidence extraction tool that can be deployed, covertly, without the target having any idea they’re exposed. (2) We have concrete evidence that the FBI has the Pegasus tool and understand that it would not be deployed without legally authorized authorities. And (3) we have a special counsel set up to investigate congress under the auspices of the J6 ‘insurgency’…. Can you see where this is going?

The special counsel is authorized to conduct the ongoing investigation into whether any person or entity violated the law in connection with efforts to interfere with the legal transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election or the certification of the vote of the Electoral College held on or about January 6. , 2021, as well as any matter that arises or may arise directly from this investigation or that is within the scope of [Special Counsel Regulations 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)]. (pdf)

The appointment of a special counsel essentially means that congressional representatives are under investigation; and search warrants could be authorized on their phones, text messages, emails, etc. Then we overlay the DOJ-NSD defined terms of “threat to national security” (which is why they emphasized insurgency) and find our way to legal search warrants in an incoming congressional caucus. Then the possibilities of Pegasus.

They didn’t just think of it overnight. They are using J6 as a weapon against losing the House to the Republicans. The Democrats are now structurally targeting the Republicans with the appointment of Jack Smith. The executive now investigates the legislative branch; its legal structure eliminates the issue of separation of powers.

The DOJ is not investigating Republicans, it is investigating definite criminals; insurgents who are threats to national security, who are republicans. Do you see how it works?

Compare these recent events, tools and discoveries with the backstory of how the modern surveillance state was created {Go Deep}. Then layer their recent Pegasus capabilities against the backdrop of an armed DOJ and FBI now targeting the political opposition in Congress.

In the decades before 9/11/01, the intelligence apparatus intersected with government, influenced government, and arguably controlled many institutions with it. The legislative oversight function was weak and getting weaker, but it still existed and could have been used to keep the IC in check. However, after the events of 9/11/01, short-sighted legislative reactions opened the door to allow the surveillance state to arm itself against domestic enemies.

After the activation of the Patriot Act, not just six weeks after 9/11, not coincidentally, a slow and dangerous fuse was lit that ends the granting of a great deal of power to the intelligence apparatus. Simultaneously, the intelligence community’s mission now encompassed monitoring domestic threats as defined by the people operating the surveillance system.

The problem with pooled power is always what happens when a Machiavellian network takes control of that power and begins the process of weaponizing the tools for its own malicious gain. That’s exactly what President Barack Obama’s network did.

Obama’s network took pre-assembled intelligence weapons (we should never have allowed them to be created) and turned those weapons into political tools for their radical and fundamental change. The target was the essential fabric of our nation.

Ultimately, this corrupt political process gave power to create the fourth branch of government, the intelligence branch. From this perspective, the fundamental change was successful. (month)

This is the scale of corrupt political compromise on both sides of the DC dynamic that we face. Preserving this system is also what removing Donald Trump and all non-aligned rebel believers in freedom is all about.

The question now is, will anyone in congress do anything about it now that it is inside the target zone?

Published in 4th Amendment, Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Conspiracy?, Decepticons, Deep State, Department of Justice, DHS, Donald Trump, 2024 Election, FBI, Fourth Branch of Government, Joe Biden, Lawfare, Media Bias, Notorious Liars, Propaganda, Spying, typical prog behavior, uncategorized

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