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Sunday Thoughts: Thank God I’m not like those evil Democrats

One of the critical issues driving the political discourse is the awakened ideology of the far left in the ongoing culture wars we see across the United States. On the left, Democrats, and more specifically progressive Democrats, are leading the charge, labeling anyone who opposes a slew of names as “phobia” and silencing their opposition with “cancel culture” tactics .

Many Republicans and conservatives oppose these new left-wing cultural agendas, calling them pure evil. See three recent stories below that exemplify this sentiment.

Youth gender transition for profit – Reporter Amber Athey of The Spectator World told Tucker Carlson that her recent report exposing how transgender ideology has infiltrated Georgetown University Medical School is evidence of “deep demonic influences” in the american culture Amber describes how the university promotes dangerous medical gender transition procedures to young people for profit. See this shocking report below.

Promotion of economic abortion – A recent Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia, Stacy Abrams, suggested that we need to abort babies to solve our inflationary problem. Can you sink deeper into evil than this?

I hope the girls will one day learn that having them was a concern. Having children alters your cost of living. Abort to reduce inflation, this is the solution!

— Breakfast Taco (@ltnhunk) November 5, 2022

Senseless violence – And, oh, yes, then there’s this all over America as a product of the evil-awakening Democratic culture. The video below shows a wild fight breaking out inside a Walmart in Missouri, just one of many. Do you remember scenes like this all the time when you were young? Me neither, but they are common now.

As journalist Amber Athey put it, these kinds of stories have “deep demonic influences.” Even calling these ideologies “evil”. These descriptions certainly seem to fit. However, I sometimes get the feeling that, as Democrats do, Republicans and conservatives can be seen as virtue signaling.

leading some to say, “Thank God I’m not like those evil Democrats.”

Do Republicans and Conservatives have the moral high ground? May be. Surely, one could compare and say that the left-wing democrats are further along the path of immorality. Often blame the younger generation as the leader of this decent. But one has to ask: Who taught these evil Democrats to do what they do? We could hide from any responsibility and blame the media, academia and the “thought” leaders of our time.

The continuum from morality to immorality can be a slippery slope. Take a short tour to see how our society has, over time, fallen into immorality.

First, take a look at pictures from decades of the music industry. Go back to the mid-60s when Nancy Sinatra hit the charts with her song “These Boots Are Made for Walking.” Lovely photo of a woman, a bit sexualized in the then new miniskirt, but you can remember our parents were horrified at the time. Looks pretty funny today. Moving on to the 1980s, Madonna burst onto the scene with her provocative portrayal of what modern sexualized women should be. In more recent times, check out Lady Gaga. Their music videos would be considered pornography in the 1960s. This pornography is now the mainstay of music videos consumed by our youth.

It’s not just about the visuals of the music but also the lyrics. Music can be a powerful means of driving change in society.

Hollywood movies, with their various genres, have evolved tremendously over the decades. In their early days, most movements were primarily family-oriented and had themes that were consumable by most people. This began to change in the late 1960s and 1970s when Hollywood had to implement a rating system to account for new stories that began to push the envelope of the norm.

The norms of explicit violence, sexual content and downright weird themes to excite all the unhealthy thoughts the masses can absorb. More recently, all the social justice, anti-social, and unpatriotic stories have come out, all efforts to collapse society into a sense of sleepy decay.

Today the traditional American family is gone. Family Man is tangential at best. When it is there, it is often the dufus that is only tolerated. The kids rule the roost, while the exploits of the women are the only thing that holds it together, whether it’s being a super mom or the successful executive pursuing a world-changing career.

The male child is usually gay or a “soy boy”. The female daughter will soon be a Hollywood star or smarter than Einstien. On the TV set, there always seems to be an LGBTQ character floating around to keep everything questionable.

The point here is that being higher on the moral continuum may not be enough. After all, as society declines, even though today we may think we are higher on the morality continuum, over time, we may slide or cause others to slide to the same point in the lower. You need to consider it well before you say that others are bad.

For Sunday thoughts, or even just good advice, consider this parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14.

9 Then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and despised all others: 10 “Two men went to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. 11 The Pharisee remained isolated and prayed this prayer: “I thank you, God, that I am not like the others: swindlers, sinners, adulterers. I sure am not like that tax collector! 12 I fast twice a week and give you a tenth of my income.

13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance and did not even dare to raise his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his breast in sorrow, saying, “O God, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.” 14 I tell you that this sinner, not the Pharisee, went home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Put more simply, perhaps focusing less on the faults of others and more on our own, regardless of where we stand on the morality continuum. Are all Democrats bad? Or simply ill-informed and/or too lazy to understand the truth, which in itself can be considered evil? Undoubtedly, one can and should call out bad actions. But calling out entire groups of people as evil is often virtue signaling, and it’s the same tactic Democrats do that further divides the country and is often unhelpful. Consider the quote below when having a useful discussion.

“A man persuaded against his will is still of the same opinion.”

Give us your thoughts in the comments section below on whether it’s helpful to call our political enemies evil – will it get results?

See more Sunday Thoughts posts.

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