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$700 for Maui bereaved versus Ukraine’s pledge of $200M

0 for Maui bereaved versus Ukraine’s pledge of 0M

As the head of the Biden regime announces a one-time relief payment of $700 per household for victims of the devastating Maui wildfire, many are raising questions about the apparently large disparity in the distribution of aid compared to his simultaneous pledge of another $200 million for Ukraine.

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The recent wildfires in Maui have left an indelible mark on the lives of countless American families, with homes destroyed and dreams shattered. While any relief is certainly crucial in such difficult times, the promised amount has many questioning whether it really addresses the scale of the calamity, especially when seen in contrast to the administration’s international commitments.

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This huge difference in allocated funds has caused many conservatives to question the administration’s priorities. Does the White House value feeding the military industrial complex over its responsibility to provide for its own struggling citizens?

The overwhelming financial aid to Ukraine is intended to strengthen its defense against Russian “aggression”.

That’s exactly what “America Last” looks like.

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