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2 in 3 Floridians Want Trump Over DeSantis

2 in 3 Floridians Want Trump Over DeSantis

Good evening, folks. We have some breaking news out of Florida — according to a recent poll, 2 in 3 Floridians want Trump over DeSantis. Now, this may come as a surprise to some, as Governor DeSantis has certainly made a name for himself as a strong, conservative leader in the Sunshine State. But let’s be real here, folks. Donald Trump is a once-in-a-generation political figure who captured the hearts and minds of millions of Americans in 2016 and beyond. He’s a fighter who will always put America first, and it’s no surprise that he’s still so popular among Floridians.

Now, some folks might try to argue that Trump’s time in the White House was a failure. They’ll say that he didn’t accomplish anything, that he was too brash and divisive, that he was bad for America. But those folks are just plain wrong. During his time in office, President Trump accomplished a lot for the American people. He cut taxes for working families, created a booming economy, secured our borders, and strengthened our military. He also negotiated peace deals in the Middle East, fought for school choice, and brought much-needed attention to the plight of American workers. And let’s not forget his historic efforts to develop and distribute a vaccine for COVID-19 in record time.

At the end of the day, folks, the people of Florida know what they want. They want a leader who will put their interests first, who will fight for their values, and who isn’t afraid to take on the establishment. President Trump embodies all of those qualities and more, and that’s why he’ll always have a special place in the hearts of the people of Florida and millions of Americans across the country.

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