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🗳️ ELECTION FRAUD DEMAND HEARINGS 2020 FRAUD FIGHTING EDITION FRIDAY (Week #18) 🗳️ Weekly thread focused on positive and realistic ideas and actions we can take to stop voter fraud, and also to copy vote collection tactics democrat votes… – The Donald – America first

🗳️ ELECTION FRAUD DEMAND HEARINGS 2020 FRAUD FIGHTING EDITION FRIDAY (Week #18) 🗳️ Weekly thread focused on positive and realistic ideas and actions we can take to stop voter fraud, and also to copy vote collection tactics democrat votes… – The Donald – America first

We’ve had control of the House for a couple of months now, and while McCarthy has done some good things, we haven’t really moved the needle on anything that will help us next year.

If we go into the 24th election with some new revelations about Hunter (that the media and the DOJ will ignore) and a few nice-sounding bills that died in the Senate, we could be in trouble.

THE the most important thing the House could be doing right now is exposing the theft of the 2020 election.

Imagine Eric Coomer, Ruby Freeman, Bill Gates, Adrian Fontes, Brad Rafensperger, Mark Zuckerberg, Brian Krebs, Stephen Richer, Katie Hobbs, Brian Kemp, etc. are they dragged before the House to testify under oath?

Or Peter Navarro testifying at length about his extensive 2020 fraud reports?

And if we flanked the Dems also on the left? We could also cover Bernie’s 16th and 20th primary thefts, to show that it is a pattern of corruption in the Uniparty. Imagine Dems testifying under oath about how Hillary won 19 coin flips in a row, or that all the machines miraculously shut down in Iowa in 2020 just as Bernie was about to win his first primary? Or getting Donna Brazile to explain under oath why she was sending debate questions to Hillary, or how Crowdstrike found out that it was “Russia” and not Seth Rich who leaked her emails?


Matt Gaetz

Lauren Boebert

Jim Jordan

Andy Biggs

Thomas Massie

FOX has banned all coverage of election fraud since early November 20, so millions of people haven’t even heard all the extremely compelling evidence of fraud in 2020.

Even if the hundreds of videos of things like poll workers kicking out Republican election observers and then removing hidden suitcases of thousands of votes aren’t enough to sway people, or the millions of unverified mailings of signature, or the vote at 4 in the morning. drops of 40,000 votes for Biden, there is plenty of conclusive evidence that fraud tipped the scales.

The 400 million in illegal Zuckerbucks that got the vote out, but only in Dem areas. A completely illegal, and decisive, campaign contribution that was never remedied.

The Twitter files have conclusively shown that the FBI and other government organizations meddled in the 2020 campaign and essentially blocked an October surprise (Hunter Biden’s laptop) that ended the campaign

The 2020 US presidential election failed every metric the US and UN use to combat voter fraud in banana republics.

People need to hear all of this. What better way than in open hearings on the floor of the Chamber?



We’ll have a full post on this next week, but as I’m sure you’ve all heard, our efforts didn’t go well and James was forced to start a new organization after being kicked out of Project Veritas. Please support James in any way you can here:





Here is the summary of our previous ideas:

and here’s a roundup of some of the interesting entries from the past week:

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