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🔁 ✍🏼🚨 NEW SUBSTACK: When Forbes attacked Project Veritas's latest scoop this weekend, I decided to look into the background of the author of…

🔁 ✍🏼🚨 NEW SUBSTACK: When Forbes attacked Project Veritas's latest scoop this weekend, I decided to look into the background of the author of…

When Forbes published an article this weekend attacking Project Veritas’s latest scoop, many readers were left wondering who was behind the article. After further investigation, it was revealed that the author of the article was none other than a former employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The author, Mark Paustenbach, was the DNC’s National Press Secretary from 2011 to 2013. During that time, he worked closely with then-Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other senior staff. After leaving the DNC, he became the Vice President of Communications at the Democratic Governors Association.

Paustenbach’s article in Forbes was incredibly critical of Project Veritas’s latest scoop, which exposed a DNC staffer’s plans to disrupt Donald Trump’s rallies. Paustenbach argued that Project Veritas’s tactics were unethical, and that the organization was “peddling conspiracy theories”.

The fact that Paustenbach is a former DNC employee raises questions about the objectivity of his article. It’s not hard to imagine that Paustenbach’s past experience with the DNC would have a major impact on his views about Project Veritas.

In addition, the article’s lack of transparency is also concerning. Paustenbach fails to mention his past affiliation with the DNC, and this could lead readers to believe that he is an unbiased source.

Ultimately, the article serves as a reminder that readers should always be aware of potential conflicts of interest when evaluating news sources. It’s important to look beyond the surface and consider the background of the author when weighing the credibility of a news story.

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