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Episode 2464: The Toxic Spending Of Congress

Episode 2464: The Toxic Spending Of Congress

The Toxic Spending Of Congress

The United States Congress is responsible for approving the federal budget each year. Unfortunately, Congress has been failing to live up to its responsibility and has been engaging in a pattern of toxic spending that is costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

The most obvious example of this toxic spending is the way Congress has been using earmarks to fund pet projects. Earmarks are funds that are allocated to specific projects or programs that are not part of the normal budget process. These earmarks are often given out to members of Congress who have the most influence or who are from the most powerful political parties. This has resulted in billions of dollars being spent on projects that have little to no public benefit.

Another example of toxic spending by Congress is the way it has been using tax loopholes to benefit the wealthy. Congress has been using tax loopholes to allow certain individuals and corporations to pay less in taxes than they should be. This has resulted in billions of dollars being lost in revenue that could be used to fund important government programs.

Finally, Congress has been failing to address the national debt. The national debt has been steadily increasing over the last decade and Congress has been unwilling to take any meaningful steps to reduce it. This has resulted in billions of dollars in additional debt that will have to be paid off by future generations.

These examples of toxic spending by Congress show how it has been failing to live up to its responsibility to be a responsible steward of the public’s money. It is time for Congress to start taking its responsibility seriously and to start making more responsible decisions when it comes to spending taxpayer money. If Congress does not take action soon, the consequences could be disastrous.

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