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Don Lemon Will Return To Air, Participate In Formal Training

Don Lemon Will Return To Air, Participate In Formal Training

Don Lemon, a veteran news anchor and host of CNN’s “CNN Tonight”, will return to the air and participate in formal training following an incident in which he made controversial comments about a guest.

The incident occurred during a segment of “CNN Tonight” in which Lemon was interviewing conservative commentator, Candace Owens. During the segment, Lemon asked Owens a series of questions about her views on race and racism in America. Owens was critical of Lemon’s line of questioning, which led to a heated exchange between the two.

At one point, Lemon said to Owens, “You’re not living in reality. You’re living in some alternate reality.” The comment was seen by many as Lemon crossing the line and being disrespectful to Owens.

In the wake of the incident, Lemon issued an apology on Twitter, saying, “I regret the language I used. It was inappropriate and disrespectful and I apologize.” He also said he would take some time away from the show to reflect on his behavior.

Now, CNN has announced that Lemon will return to the air and participate in formal training. The network said in a statement, “We have had constructive conversations with Don about his role on our air and look forward to having him back on CNN Tonight. We have also agreed that Don will participate in formal training to further develop his understanding of the issues he will be covering.”

The training Lemon will participate in is designed to help him better understand the issues he will be covering. It will include topics such as race, gender, and other social issues. The training will also focus on how to conduct interviews and how to ensure that guests are treated with respect.

The incident has sparked a debate about the role of news anchors and how they should conduct themselves when interviewing guests. Critics of Lemon’s comments say that he crossed the line and was disrespectful to Owens. Others argue that Lemon was simply trying to push Owens to answer tough questions and that he was not being disrespectful.

Regardless of one’s opinion on the incident, it is clear that Lemon will be held to a higher standard when he returns to the air. He will be expected to conduct himself in a professional manner and to treat his guests with respect. The formal training he will participate in will help him to do so.

It is also important to note that Lemon’s return to the air does not necessarily mean that he will be given a free pass. He will still be held accountable for his actions and will be expected to adhere to the standards of the network.

Ultimately, the incident with Owens and Lemon’s return to the air is a reminder that news anchors must be held to a high standard. They must be respectful to their guests and must ensure that their interviews are conducted in a professional manner.

The formal training Lemon will participate in is an important step in this process. It will help him to better understand the issues he will be covering and will ensure that he conducts himself in a professional manner when interviewing guests.

It remains to be seen how Lemon will perform when he returns to the air. However, it is clear that he will be held to a higher standard and that he will be expected to adhere to the standards of the network.

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