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Documentary filmmaker Tommy Robinson Exiled: The Cost of Truth-Telling

Documentary filmmaker Tommy Robinson Exiled: The Cost of Truth-Telling

Two years earlier, Robinson had created a hard-hitting documentary titled “Silence.” The film aimed to expose government and judicial corruption in the UK, demonstrating a disturbing cooperation between these entities to control the narratives that are conveyed to the public.

“Silence” delved into a specific case that had made global headlines: a Syrian refugee boy who had allegedly been run over by an English bully. But, according to Robinson, the story the world heard was distorted. His documentary was based on first-hand accounts from parents and teachers, evidence that the Syrian boy had not been a victim but a perpetrator of school violence.

To Robinson’s dismay, after reporting his findings, he was taken to the High Court and bankrupted for a whopping £1.6m. The charges were defamation, although Robinson presented compelling evidence that his claims about the Syrian boy’s behavior were true.

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During his interview with show host Chad Caton, Robinson described an alarming series of events, including hidden camera footage of school employees admitting they were paid to keep quiet. A freedom of information request eventually confirmed that Kirklees Council had spent £274,000 to buy its staff silence, allowing the manipulated narrative to go unchallenged.

When Robinson took his case and his evidence to court, he faced a wall of institutional bias. Despite the testimony of seven teachers and five students, the judge ruled against him, saying those individuals were lying and siding with the Syrian refugee who had a history of dishonesty according to school records.

More worryingly, the judge also issued an injunction against Robinson, threatening him with contempt of court if his documentary was released. Although the film was already in the United States and out of his control, Robinson received an 80-page dossier from the attorney general alleging that he had committed contempt of court.

Robinson fears he faces another two-year prison sentence for his pursuit of the truth. In the meantime, he has moved to Spain to spend some time with his family before facing the consequences that may arise.

Robinson’s story is a cautionary tale about the declining state of free speech, particularly in the UK. It appears to be a stark reminder that speaking truth to power can have devastating personal and financial consequences, especially when those truths run counter to a preferred narrative. But despite the terrible costs, Robinson remains steadfast in his commitment to revealing the truth, making a stand for free speech, even from a distance.

America’s first patriot. One party hater. former lawyer Construction of the RVM network. i say what i say follow me Twitter.


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