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Docs insert a stent into Simpson’s heart during life-or-death surgery

“After the tests, my mom and I were like Team Brown. We had a meeting point where we would shuttle the kids and pick them up and drop them off,” Nicole’s sister said. Ask Browns, he said exclusively in 2014.

“We were in constant contact with him because of the kids… He will live forever in Sydney and Justin and is for the rest of his life tied to my family in some way.”

“I had to go pick up the kids from the house where he lived and I saw him. It was hard, but I did it. My mom gave me a pep talk, like, ‘You’re doing this for the kids .’ I entered the house, packed my bags, entered his house and saw the furniture on which I sat. [when Nicole was alive],” she continued.

“It was very foggy, but I had to put a face on it because this is their father. They will always love their father. I choose to respect that.”


OJ joined Twitter shortly after the published report. “I never knew I’d have a heart attack, a heart attack would feel so much worse than whatever this is,” he said.

Tellingly, OJ did not deny the truth of our report that he recently had a stent inserted into his heart, a device designed to improve blood flow and prevent further damage to the heart muscle.


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