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Did CNN’s Jake Tapper side with the Republicans and against Biden’s DOJ? [VIDEO]

Did CNN’s Jake Tapper side with the Republicans and against Biden’s DOJ? [VIDEO]

In a rare alignment with conservative sentiment, CNN’s Jake Tapper expressed his doubts and concerns about the appointment of US Attorney Weiss as special counsel. Those appointments traditionally come from outside sources, making the decision to go with an internal pick an unusual move by Joe Biden’s Justice Department. Tapper acknowledged that while this has happened in the past, as with Durham’s appointment, it remains an oddity.

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Another skepticism that drives is the evident rupture of the [Hunter Biden] plea agreement in court. The judge’s thorough dissection of the settlement leads to questions about why the U.S. attorney would persist in his role amid what Tapper called a “colossal failure.” Doubts surround the strength and adequacy of the plea deal, with Tapper suggesting it may not have been strict enough.

Another notable point Tapper raises is the transition of US Attorney Weiss to the role of special counsel. A frequently cited reason for this transition is to grant the power to collect in jurisdictions outside of Delaware. However, conflicting reports from Weiss, who claimed she already possessed those rights, and whistleblowers, who argued she was voicing concerns about her limitations in private, further muddy the waters. The recent change in Weiss’s role lends credibility to the whistleblowers, implying that they may have been correct in their allegations.

Tapper ends his statement by acknowledging that the concerns raised by Republicans around these events may not be baseless political maneuvering, but based on genuine concerns about the administration’s decisions.

“This move makes it seem like, well, maybe the whistleblowers were right, maybe what they were saying is true. And it didn’t have the ability to charge where it wanted to. And now it does. So I have a lot of questions about that. And I think some of the political issues raised by Republicans have merit.” – Jake Tapper

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