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Dems Worries Growing Over 3rd Party Candidates

Dems Worries Growing Over 3rd Party Candidates

Title: Democrats’ Concerns Rise Amidst the Emergence of 3rd Party Candidates in the 2024 Election


As the 2024 election approaches, the Democratic Party finds itself facing growing concerns over the potential impact of 3rd party candidates on President Biden’s reelection campaign. With notable figures like Cornel West and Senator Joe Manchin exploring the possibility of running as members of the Green Party, Democrats are becoming increasingly anxious about the outcomes and implications of these candidacies. This article delves into the reasons behind these worries and the potential consequences for the Democratic Party in the upcoming election.

Cornel West’s Third-Party Presidential Bid

Dr. Cornel West, a philosopher, Ivy League academic, and leftist intellectual, recently announced his third-party presidential campaign as a member of the Green Party. This decision has triggered unpleasant memories for several Democrats, reminiscent of the 2016 election. The Hill reported that some prominent figures supporting President Biden, including the Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Jaime Harrison, have expressed concerns regarding the impact of West’s candidacy on the Biden administration’s chances of securing another term. Harrison emphasized that this is not the time to experiment and warned against playing around on the margins.

The Potential “Spoiler” Effect of Senator Joe Manchin

Senator Joe Manchin, often viewed as one of the few remaining moderate voices within the Democratic Party, has made some Democrats anxious with his participation in a “No Labels” event in New Hampshire. Fox News reported that this has raised concerns that Manchin might mount a “spoiler” campaign similar to the one led by Ross Perot in 1992. Although Manchin has not officially declared his intention to run for re-election in 2024, his presence at this event has added fuel to the speculation surrounding a potential third-party candidacy. Despite his assertion that the event is unrelated to his political plans, Manchin’s statement of not ruling anything in or out has intensified worries among Democrats.

The Democratic National Committee’s Response

The Democratic National Committee plays a vital role in the party’s strategy for upcoming elections. Consequently, the emergence of 3rd party candidates poses challenges for the committee’s efforts to maintain cohesive support for President Biden’s reelection bid. DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison, a close confidant of President Biden, has been vocal in expressing his concerns about third-party candidacies. According to The Hill, Harrison’s warning against experimentation and playing around on the margins reflects the anxiety surrounding the potential impact of these challengers on the Democratic Party’s unity and electoral success.

Analysis of Potential Consequences

The presence of 3rd party candidates, particularly those with national recognition like Cornel West and Joe Manchin, brings with it a host of potential consequences for the Democratic Party. Firstly, the division of the progressive vote between West and Biden might result in a weakened Democratic base, potentially benefiting the Republican nominee. Secondly, the emergence of a third-party candidacy could divert crucial funds and resources away from the Democratic Party’s primary campaign, making it harder to compete effectively against Republican candidates. Lastly, the fracturing of the Democratic voter base may lead to disillusionment and reduced voter turnout, presenting further challenges in securing a victory in the general election.

Lessons from Past Election Cycles

To better understand the implications of 3rd party candidacies, it is beneficial to examine historical precedents. The 2016 election serves as a pertinent case study, where 3rd party candidate Jill Stein, running as a member of the Green Party, garnered significant attention and attracted a portion of the progressive vote. The consequences of this division became particularly evident in swing states, where Stein’s votes potentially influenced the ultimate outcome of the election. The experiences from this election cycle highlight the potential risks and ramifications of 3rd party candidacies on the Democratic Party’s electoral prospects.


As the 2024 election approaches, the Democratic Party is grappling with growing concerns over the emergence of 3rd party candidates. The candidacies of Cornel West and Senator Joe Manchin, both associated with the Green Party, have sent ripples of anxiety through the party ranks. The Democratic National Committee, as well as key party members, have raised red flags about the impact of these candidates on President Biden’s reelection bid. The lessons from past election cycles caution against the risks of divided votes and weakened party unity. Moving forward, the Democratic Party must address these concerns and strategize effectively to secure a victory in 2024 and beyond.

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