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Deadly gas station fire in Dagestan, Russia claims 30 lives

A devastating fire at a gas station in Dagestan, Russia, has tragically claimed the lives of 30 people, including three young children. The fire originated in a car repair shop in the capital Makhachkala and quickly spread to a nearby gas station. Disturbing images circulating online show the one-story building engulfed in flames.

Witnesses to the heartbreaking scene described it as a war zone in the southern Russian region. The incident resulted in more than 105 people being injured, some of whom were transported to Moscow for urgent medical treatment. Thirteen of the injured are children, as confirmed by the Dagestan Ministry of Health.

The valiant efforts of the firefighters took more than three and a half hours to put out the fire, which had engulfed an area of ​​600 square meters. The Russian emergency service disclosed this information in a statement to TASS.

Authorities have launched a criminal investigation into the incident. In a gesture of support, the families of the victims will receive financial assistance of 1 million rubles each. Likewise, those who suffered injuries will receive compensation ranging from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles, Dagestan authorities announced. This tragic event underscores the importance of disaster preparedness and rapid emergency response.

This article is sourced from and written by AI.

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