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David Jeremiah: What Sort of Logo Would Christ Have Us Display to the World?

David Jeremiah: What Sort of Logo Would Christ Have Us Display to the World?

Title: David Jeremiah: What Sort of Logo Would Christ Have Us Display to the World?


Prominent author and pastor Dr. David Jeremiah has long been acclaimed for his teachings on Christianity and the relevance of biblical principles in our modern world. One of his thought-provoking questions asks how Christians can effectively represent Christ to the world. In his exceptional work, Jeremiah urges believers to consider what kind of logo Jesus Himself would have us display to the world. Let us delve into this intriguing concept and contemplate the significance it holds for our Christian identity.

A Thought-Provoking Question

Throughout his theological journey, David Jeremiah has challenged believers to evaluate their lives and actions through the lens of Christ’s teachings. In his aptly titled question, “What Sort of Logo Would Christ Have Us Display to the World?” he encourages Christians to reflect on the message they convey through their attitudes, behaviors, and interactions.

Jeremiah suggests that just as a logo carries immense symbolism and represents the essence of a brand or organization, Christians ought to display an emblem of Christ’s love, grace, and mercy to the world. The logo he refers to is not a physical symbol but a metaphorical representation of the characteristics and virtues we should embody as followers of Christ.

The Logo of Christ

To discern what sort of logo Jesus would have us display, we must examine His life and teachings recorded in the Bible. Christ’s logo would be characterized by love, compassion, humility, forgiveness, and selflessness. Throughout His ministry, Jesus consistently demonstrated these attributes, even in the face of persecution and adversity.

1. Love: Jesus emphasized the importance of love, encouraging His followers to love both God and their neighbors unconditionally. This love is not selective or judgmental, but all-encompassing and genuine.

2. Compassion: Jesus displayed extraordinary compassion towards the marginalized, sick, and sinners of society. He healed the sick, restored the outcasts, and extended boundless grace to all, calling us to emulate His compassion for humanity.

3. Humility: Christ embodied humble servitude, washing His disciples’ feet to exemplify the importance of humility and sacrificial love. Humility allows us to place others’ needs above our own and fosters an environment of unity and harmony.

4. Forgiveness: Jesus profoundly emphasized the power of forgiveness and demonstrated it on the cross, forgiving those who crucified Him. As believers, we are called to forgive one another, just as Christ forgave us.

5. Selflessness: Jesus exemplified selfless love by willingly giving His life for the redemption of humanity. Similarly, we are called to deny ourselves, serve others, and put their needs before our own.


David Jeremiah’s question, “What Sort of Logo Would Christ Have Us Display to the World?” challenges Christians to evaluate their actions and attitudes, urging them to exemplify Christ’s love, compassion, humility, forgiveness, and selflessness. As believers, we are called to bear a metaphorical logo that reflects Christ’s essence to the world. By living according to the principles laid out in the Bible and emulating Jesus’ characteristics, we position ourselves as authentic representatives of Christ’s love and grace – a powerful and transformative message to those around us.

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