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Crazy MSNBC host thinks it's crazy to require proof of citizenship to vote |

MSNBC's Symone Sanders was blown away (or pretended to be) by Republicans who want to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.

This came after President Mike Johnson, while standing with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago last Friday, announced legislation to require proof of citizenship to vote. Polls suggest almost 8 out of 10 Americans support this policyhardly makes it a marginal policy.

But MSNBC thought so.

“That's. Um. I feel like that's crazy. Because it's no longer legal to vote if you're not a citizen of the United States. Congress already passed a law that way, before, you know, it could even go to the school, okay? Back in the 90s, I think? Right? I don't know,” Sanders stated elegantly.

“Now, seconds after, you know, Donald Trump and his insurgency buddy, President Johnson, had their meeting, now it looks like House Republicans are going to seek legislation that would require proof of citizenship to vote.” added Sanders, who railed against common sense politics like no one outside of MSNBC. the public has a problem with.

His argument is nonsense, of course. Yes, it's already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections, but requiring proof of citizenship to vote would make it *impossible* for them to violate that law in the first place.

It's also common for liberals to argue that proven cases of federal voter fraud are rare, and the word “proven” is doing most of the lifting in that phrase. Liberals go out of their way to prevent anyone from studying voter fraud simply so they can claim it's rare. There are likely tens of thousands of jaywalking cases in New York City every day, but the NYPD averages less than 1 jaywalking ticket per day. Does this mean that there is only one case of walking per day? Anyone who has spent five minutes there could tell you conclusively otherwise.

If illegal voting really were as rare as the left would have you believe, that raises the obvious question of why they oppose legislation aimed at reducing it. If this legislation is redundant and changes nothing, why do they care?

So lax are America's voting regulations that when ABC News published an article about countries where it is easier to vote than in the US, they gave three examples. When it comes specifically to voter ID, another policy derided by the left, from all European countries only the United Kingdom has no voter ID requirement. Internationally, they are joined only by Australia and New Zealand.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking by Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry i The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside George Soros' Secret Network

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