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CNN says it’s ‘anti-gay’ to prosecute men who have sex with 12-year-olds…

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CNN is now calling it “anti-gay” if you prosecute someone who has sex with a child or a disabled person. This is what is currently unfolding in Uganda, where two men are being charged with illegal sex with a child and a disabled person, crimes that could result in the death penalty.

CNN, instead of expressing immediate outrage at these crimes, turned their article into a “victim’s advocate” piece, forgetting that the real victim here is the child.

Instead of showing immediate outrage at these crimes, CNN turned their article into a “victim’s advocate” piece, ignoring the fact that the real victim here is the child and quite possibly a disabled adult.


The law, signed in May, also bans same-sex marriage in Uganda and punishes same-sex acts with life in prison.

It has been decades since Uganda last carried out an execution, but its president Yoweri Museveni had threatened in 2018 to resume state consent to capital punishment.

Attorney Justine Balya, who represents the 20-year-old man, told CNN that the penalties associated with the law were completely disproportionate.

“Of course, the fact that the law is applied in this way is completely unconstitutional because it seeks to criminalize what is often consensual conduct between adults,” he said.

He said such cases could go to trial after a long delay and expected his client to be in custody for an extended period.

Balya said they represent several people arrested for minor offenses under the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

The man arrested in Soroti is the second person charged with the capital offense in Uganda since the law was passed in May.

Another man was charged with “aggravated homosexuality” last month in eastern Uganda’s Jinja district for having “sexual intercourse with a 12-year-old boy of the same sex,” according to Okui.

Both men are in custody and will appear in court in September.

CNN briefly mentions the boy as just a “speed bump” in the larger narrative, focusing instead on how these two men are allegedly subject to anti-gay hate laws. Fortunately, CNN was verified by X Community Notes, which stated that the headline was “misleading.” Yes, at least. Here’s what the community notes had to say:

The title is misleading and leaves out important details about both men. The article says a man was charged with “a sexual act with a 12-year-old boy of the same sex.” The other man accused “had unlawful sexual relations with a [man] 41 years old with a disability”

It’s amazing how the media will become pretzels to frame a story in a way that aligns with their political agenda. This is not journalism; it’s propaganda



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