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Chip Roy talks transgender in women’s sports

Chip Roy talks transgender in women’s sports

In a fiery speech on the House floor, Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) vigorously defended his position on transgender issues, stressing the importance of First Amendment rights and biological truth. Her remarks struck a chord amid the escalating debate over transgender rights and the impacts on people who choose to transition.

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Roy stood firm and said, “I’m going to keep telling Lia Thomas is a boy. And I’m going to say it here. And I’m going to say it on social media, and I’m going to say it on the street. And if they dare try to stop me, that’s what the First Amendment is about.” His emphasis on freedom of expression underscores the current climate where speech on these sensitive issues often results in censorship or accusations of hate speech.

The Texas representative also spoke of the emotional testimony of a young woman named Chloe Cole, who decided to transition, recounting the immense pressure she faced to change sex. This was a poignant moment in the debate, which highlighted the painful realities often obscured in the discussion of transgender issues.

Cole’s testimony, filled with remorse and a plea for better guidance for parents, clearly unnerved Roy and his colleagues. She quoted her words as she cried: “I don’t wish for your child to have the same outcome as I did. I don’t wish for anyone to regret transitioning or de-transitioning because it’s incredibly difficult. It comes with its own difficulties, and it’s not easy.” .

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Roy ended his remarks with a blistering criticism of the opposition, stating: “My colleagues across the aisle call this hate speech.” Her impassioned speech sought to illuminate the often complex and distressing reality behind gender transition and a call to preserve open discourse on these challenging issues.

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