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Chicago Dem’s plan calls for gangs to shoot up only at night [VIDEOS]

Chicago Dem’s plan calls for gangs to shoot up only at night [VIDEOS]

In a shocking and puzzling statement that has drawn widespread criticism, Democratic Chicago Councilwoman Maria Hadden has openly called on gang members in her community to limit their shootings to nighttime hours. This startling comment not only underscores the disturbing realities of violent crime in certain cities, but also raises serious questions about the leadership and approach of some elected officials.

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The request came in an email newsletter as a proposal to reduce gun violence. Instead of promoting law enforcement efforts or community involvement to reduce crime, Hadden appealed directly to criminals, asking them to limit their violent activities to the dark.

That suggestion has sparked outrage among conservatives, who argue it represents a complete failure to understand the role of leadership in tackling crime. Instead of working toward real solutions, like beefing up the police presence or creating community programs that could deter young people from joining gangs, this politician essentially negotiated with criminals.

Critics argue that this approach not only legitimizes criminal behavior, but also shows a lack of respect for the safety and well-being of law-abiding citizens. In asking gang members to limit their criminal activity at night, the politician appears to be more concerned with the optics of crime during daylight hours than the actual harm it causes to individuals and communities.

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Some conservatives also see this as part of a broader trend within the Democratic Party, where soft-on-crime policies and a lack of support for law enforcement are contributing to escalating violence in many areas urban

Since then, Hadden’s comments have been met with disdain and disbelief on social media, with many calling for his resignation. His words are a stark reminder of the disconnect between some liberal leaders and the harsh realities of those living in crime-ridden neighborhoods.

In contrast, conservative voices emphasize the importance of strong law enforcement, community involvement, and responsible governance as keys to reducing crime and creating safer communities. The incident serves as a clear illustration of the different philosophies between conservatives and liberals when it comes to handling crime and underscores why this issue remains controversial and divisive in American politics.

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