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CDC Adds US COVID Vaccinations to Childhood Immunization Program to Target Poor Families on Government Aid

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The CDC announced today that they have added the COVID-19 “vaccines” to their childhood immunization schedule.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” now add 2-3 more doses of vaccines to the 25 doses of other vaccines already on the CDC schedule that can be given to infants and toddlers during their first 15 months of life. life

Original image source from CDC.

COVID vaccinations were also added to the CDC’s immunization schedule for children 18 months to 18 years of age.

This appears to be the first time in CDC history that vaccines that are not even FDA approved but only have US (emergency use authorizations) have been added to the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule.

How is this even legal?

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, while appearing before Congress yesterday, was asked why these vaccinations have been added to the childhood immunization schedule.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky on why an experimental vaccine was added to the children’s agenda

“The reason ACIP recommended…getting the COVID-19 vaccine in the pediatric schedule was ONLY because it was the only way it could be covered under our ‘Viccines for Children’ program” ”

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 8, 2023

The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a US government program to provide vaccines to low-income families who receive government assistance through the Medicaid program.

Could this be a path the US government is creating to require lower income families to vaccinate their children in order to receive other government aid benefits such as food stamps?

If Brazil is an example of what’s to come here in the US, it’s very possible, if not likely.

Social Credit Brazilian Style: All UBI Recipients Must Be Vaxxed

Anyone who seriously thinks about it Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs of the future will not be complete social credit systems Look no further than Brazil, where newly elected socialist/globalist Lula da Silva has just decreed that the Bolsa Família program will require family members to be vaccinated to continue receiving benefits.

The news comes via The Rio Times, which describes the Bolsa program as “a social welfare program for Brazil’s poorest families” and “a kind of Universal Basic Income.” (Full article.)

The CDC adding the US COVID vaccines to its childhood immunization schedule also opens the door for local health departments and school districts to now add these vaccines to the CDC list of vaccines already recommended as a requirement for school attendance.

At this point, I’m guessing that the FDA will fully approve these “vaccines” before the next school year starts and the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) will move the shots to the NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program). giving drug companies legal immunity for any injuries and deaths, even after they are no longer covered by the PREP Act and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

Thanks to Wayne Rhode, author of “The Vaccine Court,” and his contribution to the reporting of this article. You can find it on Substack here.

See also:

Over 11 MILLION views!

List of victims of the COVID-19 “vaccine”.

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Posted on February 10, 2023

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