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Bipartisan “Dogs” | Darren Beattie Calls Out Senate Republicans’ Globalist Policies And Rhetoric – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

Bipartisan “Dogs” | Darren Beattie Calls Out Senate Republicans’ Globalist Policies And Rhetoric – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

In recent years, the term “bipartisan” has been used to describe politicians and policies that are agreeable to both major political parties in the United States. However, according to Darren Beattie, former Trump White House speechwriter and founder of the Revolver news site, there is a specific group of politicians who he refers to as “bipartisan dogs.”

Beattie made this statement during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic. He identified these politicians as Senate Republicans who support globalist policies and rhetoric. According to Beattie, these politicians do not represent the interests of their constituents, but rather work to advance the interests of multinational corporations and foreign nations at the expense of American workers.

This sentiment has been echoed by many Americans in recent years, as they see jobs being outsourced to other countries and American workers being left behind. Beattie argues that these politicians are more interested in maintaining their own power and influence than serving the people who elected them to office.

One issue that Beattie points to as evidence of the “bipartisan dog” phenomenon is the ongoing debate over immigration policy. While both major political parties have acknowledged the need for immigration reform, Beattie argues that Senate Republicans in particular have not been willing to take a hard line against illegal immigration and have instead worked to maintain the status quo.

According to Beattie, this is because these politicians are beholden to special interest groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which supports open borders and a large pool of cheap labor. This stance, he argues, is not only harmful to American workers but also to national security, as it allows criminals and terrorists to enter the country unnoticed.

Beattie’s call to action is for Americans to demand more from their elected representatives and to hold them accountable for their actions. He encourages voters to support candidates who put American interests first and are willing to stand up to multinational corporations and foreign nations that seek to undermine our economy and national security.

While the term “bipartisan” may have once been seen as a positive thing, Beattie’s “bipartisan dogs” are a reminder that political consensus can often lead to inaction and the neglect of the people who elected these politicians to represent them. It is time for American voters to demand more from their representatives and hold them accountable for their actions in office.

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