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Biden’s escalation echoes LBJ’s mistake

Biden’s escalation echoes LBJ’s mistake

Joe “don’t know much history” Biden, as the song goes, steps up America’s involvement in the no-win war in Ukraine, in an echo of how a similar no-win escalation in Vietnam ended the president’s political career democrat Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) in 1968. With a surprise visit to Kiev on Monday and promising greater US financial support for a corrupt regime on Russia’s border, Biden is directly provoking the powerful Russian bear.

Russian President Putin has already responded by suspending Russia’s participation in the New START nuclear weapons treaty, which is the only major nuclear treaty remaining between Russia and the US. Putin’s linking of nuclear weapons to Biden’s actions is a chilling reminder of the growing risks of Biden’s reckless intervention in this hopeless conflict.

Biden endangers America even worse than LBJ, because Russia has far more military firepower than North Vietnam ever had. Russia has long-range missiles that could easily reach unprotected US targets, and so does its new ally China, which reportedly sent a high-level delegation to Moscow on Tuesday to boost ties between them former antagonists.

Congress has not authorized this war and the American people have never been asked to approve it. Public support for sending U.S. arms to Ukraine has dropped from 60 percent last year to less than 50 percent last week, according to a new AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll.

An NBC News poll last month showed that only 41 percent of Americans approved of Biden’s approach to this war. Young voters are most opposed to this jamming and are a key demographic in the election.

One of the few Republicans who performed well in a swing state last November was one who spoke out against continued US involvement in this war. JD Vance won by a landslide with this campaign position in Ohio, where there are many Ukrainian immigrants.

Democrats should take a history lesson on how the Vietnam War issue ended with LBJ in 1968, when he was at the height of his political power and under 60 years old. He looked invincible for re-election against a weak Republican opponent, the recapitulated twice defeated. Richard Nixon, who had been humiliated by a 5-point loss for governor of his home state of California.

But then an obscure, underfunded senator-poet from Minnesota named Gene McCarthy, not the anti-communist Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin, challenged LBJ in the first presidential primary in New Hampshire. Resistance to LBJ’s pro-war stance allowed McCarthy to embarrass the incumbent by denying him a majority.

LBJ dropped out of the race at the end of the month, and his vice president Hubert Humphrey was eventually nominated by the Democrats in what became a close contest that fall. Then, as now, young voters were less pro-war than Democratic politicians, and Nixon appealed to young voters by promising to end America’s involvement in Vietnam.

Polls today show that only a small percentage of voters are undecided about which of the two major parties they will support in the upcoming election. Republicans would do well, as Nixon did in 1968 and JD Vance did last year, to focus on young voters who do not support perpetual war.

Both ends of the political spectrum, right and left, are lining up against the center on this issue of the escalating war in Ukraine. Moderate Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who depends on globalist support to hang on to his power as Senate Republican leader, is hurting our country and his party by siding with Biden in Ukraine.

As Mitch McConnell works with fellow octogenarian Joe Biden to push for the wrong war at the wrong time, younger conservative Republicans in both houses of Congress are speaking out strongly against it. “They can keep it,” declared Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), outraged by Biden’s prioritization of a mid-world war over the crisis on our southern border and the toxic train disaster in Ohio.

As freshman Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO), who was elected with Trump’s endorsement, tweeted, “If you want to understand why so many Americans are frustrated right now: Biden is in Ukraine before Ohio” .

However, globalists profiting from perpetual war in distant lands hope to win this issue in the Swamp. McConnell’s continued support for the war makes Biden less of a concern in his own re-election campaign for president, should Democrats nominate him again.

On Saturday, at the globalist Munich Security Conference in Germany, where Kamala Harris made fun of herself last year, the UK prime minister recklessly promised to provide long-range weaponry that would allow Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia . Europeans must be told not to expect US help if Russia or China retaliate against them.

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