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Biden Grants Ukraine Banned ‘Cluster Bombs’ – Defies US Law and International Human Rights Treaty

Biden Grants Ukraine Banned ‘Cluster Bombs’ – Defies US Law and International Human Rights Treaty

In a surprising move that has raised concerns and sparked controversy, the Biden administration has reportedly granted Ukraine permission to use “cluster bombs,” a type of explosive weapon that has been banned by both US law and an international human rights treaty. This decision by President Joe Biden defies not only domestic legislation but also challenges the principles of humanitarian rights that the United States claims to uphold globally.

Cluster bombs are particularly notorious for their indiscriminate nature and devastating consequences, making them a controversial weapon. These munitions consist of a canister or container that opens mid-air, releasing a large number of smaller submunitions, also known as bomblets, indiscriminately across a wide area. While these submunitions are intended to destroy multiple targets or cover a larger area, they often fail to detonate on impact and become de facto landmines. These unexploded bomblets continue to pose a significant threat to civilians long after conflicts have ended, causing casualties and hindering post-war recovery efforts.

The use of cluster bombs is widely regarded as a violation of international humanitarian law due to their indiscriminate nature and harmful impact on civilian populations. In recognition of this, the United States ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) in 2009, committing itself to ceasing the use, production, and transfer of cluster munitions, in addition to participating in clearance and victim assistance activities.

However, the recent decision by the Biden administration to grant Ukraine permission to use cluster bombs not only undermines the credibility of the United States as a champion of human rights but also potentially exposes innocent civilians to unnecessary harm. By gifting Ukraine these prohibited weapons, the Biden administration is indirectly supporting their potential usage in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia-backed separatists.

The decision has drawn sharp criticism from various human rights organizations, advocacy groups, and experts. Amnesty International, a leading global organization that focuses on protecting human rights, has condemned the decision, stating that it “sends a worrying message” and undermines the United States’ commitment to human rights and International Humanitarian Law.

Moreover, the controversy surrounding this decision is amplified by the fact that the United States has previously condemned the use of cluster bombs by other countries and has taken measures to discourage their use. The move to grant Ukraine access to this banned weapon seems inconsistent with previous US actions and declarations regarding the importance of global disarmament and the protection of civilians in conflict zones.

While the Biden administration has not publicly commented on the decision, it is crucial for the US government to clarify its stance and provide transparent justification for granting Ukraine access to cluster bombs. It is imperative that the United States upholds its own laws and international commitments, setting an example for other nations by consistently adhering to the principles of humanitarian rights and protecting civilian lives.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s decision to grant Ukraine access to banned cluster bombs not only contradicts US law but also challenges the principles and values the country purports to uphold internationally. By allowing the usage of these indiscriminate weapons, the United States risks contributing to the harm and casualties suffered by innocent civilians. It is essential for the Biden administration to reconsider this decision and align its actions with the principles of human rights and international law that the United States has long championed.

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