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Almost Weak Studio Guests And Corporate Media Meltdown With French TV Show Discussing Adrenochrome Drug Use Among Celebrities


Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Collecting children’s blood to make drugs that supposedly help keep you young isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s something that’s actually happening today among the rich and powerful.

We’ve previously published articles about “young blood” and the desire of these rich and famous people to find the “fountain of youth,” including Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel.

Would you like to live forever?

From daily sessions in sub-zero cryochambers to stem cell injections and teenage BLOOD transfusions, their bizarre attempts to become superhuman have fueled a multibillion-dollar industry.

It might sound like a science fiction novel, but there’s a growing group of Silicon Valley billionaires who believe they can achieve eternal life through “biohacking,” the process of making alterations to your body to keep it younger .

Netflix’s new drama Biohackers, premiering Thursday (August 20), bucks the scary trend by imagining a secret lab where a young student, played by Luna Wedler, discovers a sinister experiment using the techniques on an entire city.

Here we meet the real biohackers of Silicon Valley: the men who want to be immortal.

Peter Thiel – Thirst for young blood

Paypal founder Peter Thiel has a terrifying plan to achieve eternal life: by injecting the blood of teenagers.

The practice, known as parabiosis, is not as impossible as it sounds: in 2016, a start-up company called Ambrosia began offering transfusions of ‘young plasma’ for £6,000 a time.

The billionaire tycoon, 53, said: “I’m researching parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they made young blood in old mice and found it had a massive rejuvenating effect.”

It is not known whether Thiel has acted on his impulse, but he has previously admitted to taking human growth hormone to slow his decline into old age, and opposes the “ideology of the inevitability of death”. (Full article.)

In an article we published in 2020, we reported how mainstream media sources outside the US had begun reporting on one such drug, the most notorious, called adrenochrome, which is allegedly developed from blood taken from babies and very young children just before. they are killed, often as part of occult practices of satanic ritual abuse.

Turkish TV and others had started covering this in 2020, while American corporate media would probably never touch a topic like this, and few alternative media will cover it either. I will see:

The marketing of children’s blood: adrenochrome is made public on Turkish TV news

So I’m not surprised to read the reactions to a recent TV show in France where this topic was discussed.

The Vigilant Citizen has published a report on the matter today.

French TV Show Guest Says Celine Dion And Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome… And The Media Missed It

The French TV program “Touche Pas à Mon Poste” invited Gérard Fauré, also known as “the ex-distributor of Paris”, to talk about the strange actions of a French comedian. He ended up surprising the panel by stating that big celebrities consume adrenochrome to stay young.

by Vigilant Citizen


Touche Pas à Mon Poste (TPMP) is a very popular French television program where guests are invited to talk about current events. In recent weeks, one event captured the attention of the French media: the car accident of comedian Pierre Palmade and the revelations that followed.

Here’s a quick rundown of what happened:

On February 10, 2023, Palmade was responsible for causing a car accident, colliding head-on with another vehicle traveling in the other lane near Villiers-en-Bière, south of Seine-et-Marne. Palmade was sent to hospital in a critical condition at the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital, but recovered the next day and his life was no longer in danger. The other car was carrying a pregnant woman, her brother-in-law, the driver of the vehicle and her six-year-old son. Due to the trauma of the accident, the 27-year-old woman was taken to the hospital, where an emergency caesarean section was performed. Her seven-month-old baby died.

Pierre Palmade

Following the traffic accident, it was revealed that two people fled from Palmade’s car. They were “accompanying shocks”, young prostitutes that Palmade had hired to practice chemical sex. In addition, Palmade tested positive for huge doses of cocaine and other drugs.

To make matters worse, a few days later, people close to Palmade have accused him of viewing and possessing pedophilic pornographic material, prompting the opening of an investigation. In other words, Palmade was involved in the typical degeneration of the occult elite.

To discuss this matter, the French TV show TPMP invited a guest who knows all about this degeneration: Gérard Fauré.

Gérard Fauré spills the beans

1540299256659 no name 7 e1678818854781 French TV show guest said Celine Dion and other celebs take adrenochrome... and the media missed it

Making in the 1980s.

Dubbed “l’ancien dealer de Tout-Paris” (the old dealer of Paris), Fauré sold drugs to prominent French figures, including celebrities and politicians. In 2016, Fauré began publishing controversial books that purported to reveal the secrets of the people he used to deal with, mainly in politics and entertainment. Charges include mass drug use (mainly cocaine), sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia, child sexual abuse, child trafficking, murder and murder.

When Fauré was invited to talk about the Palmade affair at TPMP, things got VERY real. Here is part of the interview (it’s in French).

🇬🇧📺VIDEO – Lunar moment yesterday on #TPMP when Gérard Fauré, former star distributor, mentions that Celine Dion would sacrifice children by drinking their blood.

👉 He was quickly cut off when he was about to make revelations about Emmanuel Macron.

— AlertesInfos (@AlertesInfos) March 10, 2023

During the interview, Fauré stated that he attended a party at Palmade’s house and was upset by the number of boys attending. Then, after claiming that Palmade used large amounts of cocaine along with MDMA and amphetamines, Fauré said he might also be interested in adrenochrome, a claim that was met with loud gasps in the studio.

Another guest (who seemed less outraged than the others) stated that the adrenochrome “conspiracy theory” is quite plausible. He explained that the substance is extracted from the blood of children and consumed by rich and powerful people to stay youthful.

Fauré claimed that several celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a good example. In recent months, Fauré claimed that Dion’s mysterious degenerative disease was due to his excessive consumption of adrenochromes.

When an incredulous guest asked him where these sacrificed children come from, Fauré replied that they are mainly kidnapped. He claimed that more than 58,000 children are abducted in France every year and only two-thirds are found. Then he asked: Where is the remaining third?

Fauré later testified that he testified in a case in which a woman sought to sell her daughter to an adrenochrome laboratory in Dijon. Seemingly on point, he added that Yves St-Laurent and others in the fashion industry were criminals.

When Fauré mentioned the name of French President Emmanuel Macron, the interview was interrupted. One can only wonder what he was about to say.

Media meltdown

As Fauré’s revelations caused studio guests to almost faint, the French media establishment completely melted down. Disapproving responses came quickly.

Read the full article at Vigilant Citizen.

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Posted on March 14, 2023

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