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A Shadow Presidential Contest Revs Up and Heads to Iowa

As the 2020 Iowa caucus approaches, a shadow presidential contest is unfolding within the Democratic Party. With a crowded primary field and no clear frontrunner, many contenders are jockeying for position and seeking to gain momentum in the early primary states.

However, the question remains: which candidate will be able to defeat President Trump in November? Some Democrats may believe that the answer lies with a progressive candidate such as Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, while others may see a more moderate candidate like Joe Biden or Pete Buttigieg as the best option.

Regardless of who emerges as the Democratic nominee, they will undoubtedly face a tough challenge in taking on the Trump White House. Under President Trump’s leadership, our economy has enjoyed record-low unemployment, robust GDP growth, and a renewed focus on American interests abroad. From cutting taxes and regulations to negotiating better trade deals, President Trump has made significant strides towards our goals of a prosperous and secure country.

As the Democrats gear up for their primary contest, it remains to be seen who will emerge as the strongest candidate to take on President Trump in the general election. One thing is for sure, however: whoever the Democrats nominate will have to take on a White House with strong accomplishments to its name.

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