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A French woman cries in the street, asking the police not to attack the rioting migrants who are destroying the country…

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This video of an elderly French woman crying in the streets has gone viral. Human events podcaster Jack Posobiec shared it with this caption:

An elderly French woman is begging the police not to arrest the rioters because it would be racist, I’ve never seen anything like it

The clip received a “community note” from Twitter, which reads:

The woman is saying in French “Please don’t go fighting, it’s ridiculous.” (Je vous en prie n allez pas vous battre, c’est ridicule.). He does not mention any arrests and does not talk about racism in this video.

The notes claim there was no mention of racism, but did his sobbing on the ground, begging the police not to attack the rioters, who are largely Arab and black migrants, imply it? Community notes aside, it’s a disturbing picture.

This is the same mindset that existed during the “summer of love,” when cities across the United States burned in the wake of George Floyd’s death. We were told that “peaceful protesters” were being attacked by racist police. The left even suggested this idea that everyone should stand aside and allow the “protesters” to riot and loot. Who can forget headlines like this one from media like The New York Times:

France is now looking at its own “George Floyd” moment, and it’s a safe bet that things will never be the same there. This crisis could lead to a significant change in its social dynamics, where the Floyd phenomenon takes hold and turns France into another wasteland divided by race. Meanwhile, some say the best thing to do politically is to do it sit back and watch it all burn…

READ MORE: French right-wing influencer tells followers ‘do nothing’ – bring down the Republic as intended…



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