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A freelance journalist has just been convicted as a ‘J6 rioter’ by a Swamp jury…

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In a direct attack on our First Amendment and the fundamental principles of a free press, a jury in Washington DC has just convicted journalist Stephen Horn of four misdemeanors related to his coverage of the events of January 6th.

This is “raw” documentary footage of Stephens, which he obtained secretly, with a camera on his helmet:

His footage has been used by many outlets left and right.

Here is Stephen’s completed documentary:

The D.C. jury deliberated for only about an hour Monday before returning its guilty verdict, finding Horn guilty of the following crimes:

• Enter or remain in a restricted area

• Disorderly or disruptive behavior in a restricted area

• Disorderly conduct in a Capitol building

• Parade, demonstrate or picket the Capitol building

The conclusion is the following: a documentarian has been described as a “rioter” by the very system he was exposing. It is becoming increasingly apparent that you cannot get a fair trial in the murky depths of the political quagmire, unless of course you are part of the quagmire.

Here’s what Stephen had to say about his conviction:

His sentencing is set for January. They will no doubt try to throw the book at him. Stephen has set up a GiveSendGo to help with his legal fees:

dear friends,

Since I reported on January 6th as an independent journalist, I have incurred significant costs both to defend myself legally and to continue to investigate and publish investigations related to the fateful events at the Capitol that day.

While my sole intention when I entered the Capitol Grounds that day was to accurately document and publish what I observed (as did many of the other reporters), the DOJ has refused to follow its policies on “Members of the Media communication” (28 CFR § 50.10) , and charges me with four misdemeanors, including “Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building” and “Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building.”

See also: EXCLUSIVE: J6 reporter heads to trial in landmark press freedom case | Holder USA

good faith
My investigative and documentary work has been cited in publications ranging from The Epoch Times to the HuffPost (although they forgot to credit me).

What ended up being the most significant moment I witnessed and documented is probably the notorious encounter between the Oath Keepers and USCP officer Harry Dunn. What I witnessed was the Oath Keepers stepping in between Dunn and certain angry individuals in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. (Although I was ultimately not called to testify at any of the Oath Keeper trials in DC, I did testify at the eligibility trial of an Oath Keeper state representative in Alaska).

One story I have consistently followed is the presence of undercover Metropolitan Police officers in the crowd as part of the Electronic Surveillance Unit. Their presence was first certified in the indictment documents against Fi Duong. Since then, we’ve gotten more information about this unit, including leaked video this year that shows the undercover officer who met Duong acting as a provocateur in the crowd.

Another major story I investigated and reported on involved Derrick Vargo, the man who was seriously injured when a Capitol Police officer pushed him down a flight of stairs. One of the first scenes I witnessed when I arrived at the Capitol was Vargo being carried on a makeshift stretcher; at the time he had no idea how he had been injured.

When I came across various angles of how the police officer had pushed Vargo in late 2021, I was surprised that the incident had received so little attention at the time. I worked to get the video evidence and the story out to the public, including through Joe Hanneman at The Epoch Times and Cara Castronuova at the Gateway Pundit.

I was also the first to report the identity of the police officer who injured Vargo, Officer Bryant Williams, after a source who preferred to remain anonymous pointed it out to me in court documents.

When I pieced together the timeline of Williams’ actions, along with other pieces like the extensive use of flashbangs and the breaching of the door to the Senate wing, I realized that there was a sequential series of events that were yet to be explored. I felt called to publish this research in the form of a documentary, “79 Minutes: Breach of the Capitol,” which so far I have paid for out of my own pocket.

Legal costs
However, my main expenses as of January 6th have been legal fees related to my criminal defense.

In addition to the cost of preparing for trial, my legal team researched and prepared two discovery/selective prosecution motions, arguing that due process and First Amendment rights be treated the same as the numerous members of the press who entered the Capitol and were not charged that day.

Unfortunately, these motions were unsuccessful and I will face a jury trial in Judge Kelly’s courtroom beginning September 13th.

This is a heavy burden to bear alone, and I appreciate the support from all of you.

Stephen Horn

If you would like to support Stephen, you can do so by clicking here here.



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