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A foreign marketing firm, not an ex-Biden staffer, behind a comedic astroturfed liberal Twitter account…

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You know all that online “disinformation” and “election interference” that Democrats often warn about? You probably won’t be too surprised to learn that they are the main culprits and they aren’t even doing a good job. This information came after a wildly popular liberal account with nearly 150,000 followers, posing as a former Biden staffer named “Erica Marsh,” was revealed to be a bot run by a foreign marketing firm specializing in “social selling “.

The account is known for promoting left-wing propaganda and recently gained a lot of attention for an odd comment about the Supreme Court’s “affirmative action” decision. The tweet was so over the top that it got over 9 million views.

Here was Erica’s comical response to the ruling:

Today’s Supreme Court decision is a direct attack on black people. No black person can succeed in a merit-based system, and that’s why affirmative action programs were needed. Today’s decision is a travesty!!!”

lol! Erica made the mistake of taking liberalism and its hysterical reaction to the Supreme Court decision to its logical conclusion: Black people in America cannot succeed on merit. This is what the average liberal obviously believes, but instead of accepting that maybe not everyone is born with the same average IQ and that’s perfectly fine, they rationalize that black people can’t succeed on merit because racism is everywhere. Without racism and the legacy of slavery, the liberal believes, blacks would have exactly the same average test scores as whites and Asians and be perfectly proportionally represented at institutions like Harvard and Cal Tech. If the percentage of blacks at Harvard were only 2 percent or 4 percent instead of 13 percent, it would apparently be a major national catastrophe.

Erica’s aforementioned tweet, in particular, sparked a firestorm online, prompting many to take a closer look at “her” persona on the account. In fact, Erica’s entire account reads like that of a liberal who didn’t understand that liberalism isn’t supposed to be taken to its logical conclusion in more ways than one. Several people investigated and all came to the same conclusion: the account does not belong to a former Biden staffer, nor to someone named “Erica Marsh.” The account appears to be connected to a foreign marketing company with links to Belgium and Germany.

Podcaster Greg Bolden shared a tweet explaining all. That’s what he had to say:

This person does not exist. I repeat It does not exist. This is electoral interference that starts soon. I won’t even link to his page because it’s dangerous to continue following and getting involved. This is an account bot linked to Belgium. This also shows how easily our choices are being influenced.


This account is linked to a consulting company in Belgium. Michael Zachrau is behind the liberal dystopian bot that unleashes conservatives. It’s digital marketing, SEO, that labels itself as “social selling.” Let that sink in. Social sale.

When Democrats talk about supporting their candidates and create bots as influencers, that’s paving the way. It is a scientific method of changing the hearts and minds of people to place influence on the masses. This IS the election interference we have been warned about.

It is also important to note that they are hiring companies to create the gap. This is not unique to Democrats. You should question all divisive content that aims to create unbalanced outrage.

Hello Michael! Who approached you to push social selling to Erica?


And before Google scrubs the search:


It appears that the consulting company has caused their website to be removed from the web either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Greg Bolden followed up with a lengthy tweet that reads:

A follow-up to clarify before sleep.

This image is the one that gets rhinestones again. The website linked at – this is “Erica Marsh” which makes her name linked behind the liberal tweeting bot that was based on who she followed and the mapping related to the potential funding as manufactured outrage account. .

I have no evidence that @michaelzachrau is or was Erica, nor have I claimed that anywhere. (I didn’t originally tag him either because I don’t even know what his real twitter account is – he commented, so tagging him here) I said, “Michael Zachrau is behind the liberal dystopian bot that unleashes conservatives.” Meaning: This website has the “image” used of Erica. I just want to know why your company is linked to this – is the website your name?

Before Twitter loses its conspiracy theory, let’s stick to the facts and hear straight from him. I asked him for a comment. The people claiming this was him missed the whole point of what I posted.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what his role is (maybe his company bought AI footage and only got his), though he deserves accuracy, justice, and truth. What matters is that it was a fake, and the image and idea came from somewhere, and they manipulated millions.

Bottom line: Hey @elonmusk, can you fight social selling? This seems to be the most dangerous use of accounts on Twitter. #social sale

Twitter has suspended the account, although the exact reason is not known.

All foreign liberal marketing companies should take note of “Erica’s” mistake and try to prevent them from following liberal logic to its funny and comical conclusions.



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