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7.4 Million Illegals Living in the US, Awaiting Deportation, Exceeding Two Years of US Births

(Dmitri “Henry” Aleksandrov, Holder USA) Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported that approximately 7.4 million illegal aliens who the Immigration and customs control the agency has not detained are living in the United States while awaiting deportation hearings.

Joe Biden has more than doubled The ICE file not arrested compared to when donald trump was in charge The registry includes illegals living in US towns and cities who have not been detained by ICE but are awaiting deportation from the country.

“According to multiple federal sources, ICE's non-detainer backlog has increased to 7.4 million cases, more than double the Trump years, and is on track to reach 8 million. [the] end of the year,” Melugin wrote.

It was also reported that the number of illegals living across the country while awaiting deportation hearings is greater than the number of American-borns in two years.

“From day one, President Biden has failed to detain illegal aliens in accordance with the law, instead acting on the wishes of 'Abolish ICE' groups who not only oppose the preventive detention, but they call any tracking of their whereabouts a “digital prison.” National Immigration Enforcement Center (NICE) President RJ Hauman Find out more Breitbart News.

There were 2.6 million migrants on ICE's non-detainer docket during Trump's first full fiscal year as president. By January 2021, when Trump left the White House, the record had increased by only about 600,000 cases.

On the other hand, the Biden administration has increased ICE's non-detainer record through its extensive catch-and-release network in the US.Mexico border with 4.2 million cases as of June 18, 2024. ICE agents expect there will be more than eight million illegals on the registry by the end of this year.

“Thousands of ICE detention beds remain unfilled and the use of GPS monitoring has declined significantly while the non-detainee record approaches eight million. Biden's goal is to completely dismantle detention and, in change, turn it into social services paid for by the American taxpayer while allowing illegal aliens to walk freely and wait for amnesty,” Hauman said.

Melugin's report also indicated that Biden's Department National Security is adding about 172,000 illegals to ICE's non-detainee registry each month, which means that at this rate, there could be about 8.6 million illegals on the registry by the end of December.


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